Update on my husband Jack

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    bluebird….I am so sorry to hear of the latest developments. We call this the Cholangiocarcinoma roller coaster ride; up and down again and again. By providing sufficient date physicians generally are quite successful in persuading these companies to allow specific treatments for our patients. My fingers are crossed that you will hear of their reconsideration asap.
    Stay strong.


    Oh, I am so sorry. Sending prayers for your husband and that treatment gets approved ASAP.
    Hugs, Lisa


    We met with Georgetown last week after we found out the trial didn’t work and his cancer had gotten worse. The big tumor is pushing his liver over on his stomach, compressing it to half its normal size. They want to do radio embolization, then enter him in another trial. Chemo embolization wouldn’t work because the 6-inch tumor is not vascular, and he has a clot in the portal vein. I just posted on the insurance thread on here, because it was preapproved last week, then we heard today that they want to review it further. This will hold back the procedure and trial longer. I am so upset about it right now.

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