unable to sleep

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  • #65746

    Hi Mafoster,

    I am sorry to hear what your dad is going through right now and I just want to jump in and say that I agree with Marion and Lainy about getting your dad to the hospital for help here. Also, my dad had the flu jab when he had his CC and the docs all recommended that he got it. He had no side effects or troubles from it.




    Hello, Mafoster, a big definite right behind Marion, Dad should be taken to Hospital. Is there anyone with Mom and Dad who can act as another pair of ears? They could be too upset to be asking the right questions and getting answers. Good luck and please keep us posted.


    mafoster….According to your posting the cancer had spread to lymph nodes, stomach, back, lungs. Given the numerous reports we had in re: to metastases to back and spine, taking your Dad to the hospital is the absolute right thing to do. Here they will address both, the pain and the constipation. Please, keep us posted.
    Hugs and all my best wishes,


    Hi everyone. I want to start off by thanking you for all of your extremely helpful information. I have listed all the meds and other possible meds for dad to take with him tomorrow. He has his sencond chemo (gemcitabine and cisplatin) tomorrow and will also be getting the flu vaccine, which worries me a little. My main concern now is that my dad is unable to sleep at night and only dozes off and on during the day. His back and stomach pain are just too much. The recliner is no longer comfy nor is the bed. Again, so heartbreaking. With dad still having so much trouble with not eating, pain, and no sleep; this could be very dangerous. I just spoke with mom and he is now severly constipated from all the meds and she might have to take him to the hospital. Dad’s mood has completely changed and he gets mad easily with mom and can be very stubborn. Again, any advice on how to help him sleep would be wonderful. I know mom and dad are going to have to be more aggressive and let his oncologist know that some of his meds are not helping. Thanks

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