I am new in this forum – no cancer patient, but relative

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! I am new in this forum – no cancer patient, but relative

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    Jon…welcome. Early stage disease has a significantly higher percentage of curative resections then that of late diagnoses. Additionally, in certain cases physicians liken a recurrence to that of a chronic disease. They use various treatment options resulting in some amazingly, positive, patient responses. In comparison to highly aggressive tumors we have also seen those of slowly progressing nature. I have also learned that reading up on this cancer can be misleading, as people differ greatly from one another. Also most statistics are “old” in the sense that it cannot take in account the current responses to treatments. (It takes five or more years to analyze data.) Additionally, we used to have a saying on this board that even when taking in account current statistics that someone has to be in the upper equation.
    Jon, I was wondering: had your brother consulted with a physician with the Hepatology and Gastroenterology unit at the Humboldt-University, Charité, Berlin


    Thanks, for the update, Jon. It sounds like your brother is doing well and we wish for that continued success. I believe his attitude is normal and sometimes it takes a little longer to wrap ones head around the diagnosis. Sorry, I can’t remember now but is he starting Chemo? It is so good that the CC was caught in early stages. Please keep us updated on his progress.


    Hi to all,

    thanks for the warm welcome! Well, the history of my brother is the following:

    He has had an uneasy stomach for a long time already, and he was regularly checking with his GP because their is an inclination in our family to get ulcers and the like.

    He had an ulcer last year and although he was treated, the pain and digestive problems never really went away. So he went to the GP again who diagnosed him with cancer in the bile duct. However, it is a very early stage despite the fact that his symptoms lasted for so long already.
    In fact, he probably did not have any symptoms necessarily related to the cancer in the first place, but to the ulcers still, but that made him go to the GP who then found the first hints of the cancer which usually go unnoticed (or are not taken seriously by patients…) I am not a specialist of course, and as far as I know, there is a whiff of a chance that the surgery he had to undergo shortly after the diagnosis has cured him for now. But as I am worried, I did some research and found out that the cancer is actually almost incurable, (only the little chance of surgery is mentioned). My brother is actually someone who speaks very openly about things, but since the diagnosis he went rather quiet – which is understandable but worries me even more, because I feel he is hiding some information about himself. I do not yet dare to ask…so I wanted to get some info on how post-surgical patients recover. Thanks a lot!


    Hi Jon and sorry you and your family had to find us. I am a CC survivor 3 years and 4 months cancer free. Please read my story at http://www.catherinedunnagan.com under the telegraph link, there is HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Hi Jon,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry to hear about your brother. But you have done the right thing in joining in with us all here as you will get loads of support and help from everyone.

    As Lainy has asked you, can you give us some more info about your brother please? Keep coming back here and please know that we are here for you.

    My best wishes to you and your brother,



    Dear Jon, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to find us. I am very sorry about your brother. Can you tell us a little more about his diagnosis? Is it cholangiocarcinoma? Does he have a treatment plan? We are about as well versed as one can be about cholangio, however, we don’t know that much about “other” cancers. For us to give you any suggestions or help we really need to know a little more. Like where is the CC locagted and what have the Oncologist said about the treatment etc. Looking forward to hearing more from you about your brother.


    For some odd reason, I have already 6 posts in the display, even though the above one is my first – so do not mix me up with the other Jon.
    Just to avoid misunderstandings…


    Hello everyone,
    my name is Jon and have learned two months ago that my brother has got cancer. I am very worried and would simply like to read some experience with the disease, major side effects of treatments/recoveries etc.
    Regards, jon

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