Question about Stents

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    I thank you all so much for giving me a bit of peace of mind over this.

    We see the surgeon tomorrow morning so I will let you all know what happens once I get back home.

    Christine :)


    Hi Christine, my husband also had plastic stents and had them changed every 2 to 3 months. I vote with everyone above.


    Thank you so much Marion!!



    Christine…I agree with Gavin. Stents become clogged with sledge or debris and generally are replaced anywhere between 30 to 90 days. (This is for plastic only.)

    Another thought I have is that possibly the stents are not necessary at this point. Your Mom may have achieved adequate drainage due to her positive response to chemotherapy.

    Good luck on Friday and please, keep us posted.


    Hi Gavin,

    Thanks so much for your reply!

    Yes Mom has plastic stents. I have in my notes ( I document everything!!) that we were told that in approximately 3 months they would have to be cleaned or removed. If he was to replace them it would be with the metal stents.

    We see the surgeon on Friday so I will definitely let you know what we learn.

    Thanks so much!



    Hi Christine,

    Yes stents are very common here and they are used to help getting the bile flowing again to relive jaundice. Not everyone with CC needs a stent but in my dads case he did. He had the jaundice badly and they inserted a metal stent which helped get the bile flowing again and cleared up his jaundice. A metal stent is seen as permanent whereas a plastic one can be removed, changed etc. Metal ones last around a year before clogging can become an issue, plastic ones last around 3 months or so before clogging happens.

    I assume from what you said about your mum and the surgeon wanting to discuss removing them then her stents will be plastic. Has the surgeon discussed with you and your mum the possibility and options about surgery? Maybe the surgeon wants to discuss surgery and if so then I would assume that the stents would be removed if that was the case. I can’t say for certain if this is the case, just thinking out loud here. You also say the your mums chemo is working well. This is great news indeed.

    I can so understand why you feel change is scary, all of this is scary. Please let us know what the surgeon says to your mum as to why they want to remove the stents. We are all here for you and I know that others will be chiming in real soon with their thoughts about everything.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    I am wondering if anyone here has had stents inserted in the course of treatment.

    My mom was initially diagnosed with cancer in June of 2012 when she became extremely jaundiced. The ER doctors originally diagnosed her with pancreatic cancer but we found out from the biopsies and subsequent testing that she in fact has CC.

    When they did the ERCP for biopsy they also inserted 3 stents, mainly to open her liver and pancreas but also to help the gall bladder function as well.

    Last week the surgeon called and asked her to come in to discuss removing the stents. I am not sure how I feel about this.

    Mom’s 3 month scans showed remarkable shrinkage in all but the kidney tumors so we know the chemo is working well. I guess I am just scared to change anything at this point.

    Have any of you had similar experiences?


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