Small update on MIL

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Small update on MIL

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    Sorry to hear this latest news about your mother in law Lindsy. I can’t offer any personal experiences or help with this as my dad never had this. My mum had issues with a blood clot and that was dealt with medication. I hope that the links that Marion has given you will be of help to you and please know that I am sending loads of positive thoughts to you and your MIL.




    Lindsy…I too am very sorry to hear of the turn of events. Unfortunately, we do see incidences of stroke related to this cancer.
    Until others have a chance to share with you I thought to enclose a few links:

    My heart is with you.


    Thank you so much ladies! I can always count on good prayers and support here :)


    I am so sorry, Lindsy. I haven’t had any experience with this with Lauren, but I am sure someone will be along soon that knows about this. I hope the doctors can get your MIL to be comfortable and pain free. I am praying for God to give you and your family strength and for your MIL to pull through this ordeal.


    Lindsy, I can’t help on your question, just wanted to tell you I am sending prayers and healing thoughts to your MIL and hoping for a good outcome. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!


    For those who don’t know me yet. My mother n law was diagnosed 5 weeks ago with inoperable, stage 4 CC. This past Monday she had an internal stent placed, as well as a feeding tube. My MIL hasn’t been able to eat in 6 weeks, hence the feeding tube. She was discharged from hospital on Wednesday. Yesterday, I visited her around 10am and noticed she was having difficulty breathing. Long story short- she was taken to the emergency room via ambulance. There she was diagnosed with pulmonary edema. Pulmonary edema is caused by congestive heart failure. Also, they found a “good size” clot in her left ventricle.
    I just can’t believe this has all happened in such a short period of time. Does anyone have an experience similar to this. Or know someone with similar situation. This is just crazy! Now in addtion to her heart failing-prob a result from tumor, we have to worry about this clot. If the clot breaks off, she will have a stroke and die. It’s just all too much.

    Thanks for listening,

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