Brushing shows abnormal cells…???

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    Lainey, Mother Nature woods…lol I’ve never golfed before. Thanks for all the prayers and support!


    Good luck tomorrow and we are anxious to hear! Curious….when you say luvdawoods2 do you mean woods as in Mother Nature or woods as in golf clubs?


    Thank you everyone for your advice. I will let you know what the preliminary results are after the EUS tomorrow.


    Forgive my ignorance, but what is EUS? An external ultrasound?



    I would wait for EUS results tomorrow, and then go from there depending on what EUS shows.

    In my wife’s case, EUS was the final test that sealed the decision to operate. The doctor who did EUS was very confident that bile duct blockage was caused by cancer. The full pathology report done after the surgery confirmed that he was right.

    Prior to EUS, my wife had ERCP with brushings, CT and MRCP. Brushings came back suspicious for adenocarcinoma. They found abnormal cells but no actual cancer cells. CT and MRCP were inconclusive as well. They didn’t show any mass around the bile duct.

    Best wishes,


    luv….I want to echo what Lainy and Cathy have mentioned: a second or third opinion is warranted. I am glad that you have found us and hope that your problems will be diagnosed correctly.


    Dear Luv, Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I agree with Lainy you need a second opinion. Our disease is very hard to diagnose, so it having it diagnosed by someone who is very familiar with it so important. I am a CC survivor and was so blessed and lucky to be diagnosed at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. I presented very little symptons (just itchy) and after one ERCP had my diagnose. I am alive because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman. I would suggest contacting him, they are very good about phone consults and have them start looking at your scans. Please read my story at under the telegraph, it is full of inspiration and HOPE. Please feel free contact me if you would like to talk.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Dear luvdawoods2, welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to find us. My gut reaction to your post is that if this testing has been going on since July you might want to get a 2nd opinion, the sooner the better. Make sure that where you are being tested and your ONC have a good amount of experience with CC. We strongly recommend 2nd and 3rd opinions. Read up as much as you can as knowledge is our best tool for fighting CC. Yikes, I have never heard of a bile duct breaking open on this site, at least I don’t remember one. They had trouble with my husbands stents so they stented from the side. You might want to Google SOD as well and read about that. Looks like SOD may be related to Pancreas as it did not mention CC. I am hoping you can get a 2nd opinion and please keep us posted as we truly care.


    Hello, I’m brand new here. I haven’t been officially labeled with BDC, but Dr. says its possible. This past July I went to dr with pain in upper right side…just behind the ribs. They suspected gallbladder problems. This is what I’ve had done to date…. 1. Ultrasound showed normal other than a fatty liver. 2. Hidascan and it was alright…54% . 3. MRCP showed the common bile duct was narrowed. 4. So then, ERCP was performed to place a stent inside, however, it was unsuccessful. The doctor said when she got in there it broke open and the bile was gushing out….she tried to go ahead and place the stent but it kept coming out. While they were in there, they did a Brushing and it came back as abnormal cells. The doctor sent it to a different pathologist for second opinion and they have said the same thing. So, now I am scheduled for a EUS tomorrow with a IU Medical doctor in Indianapolis. Also…the doctor saidfor sure I had Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Could it be Bile duct cancer or is this from the SOD? My doctor says no on the idea that it could be from SOD. All I know, I have a constant dull achy feeling just under my ribcage on the right side. When I eat, about 30 min or so it will hurt bad for a little while than eases up to just a dull ache. Oh and one more thing….all of my blood tests were normal when this first started.

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