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  • #66851

    I think the more he eats,the higher his blood sugar(BS) will be. Normally, it takes about3- 4 hour to let the BS back to the range of measurement before he ate. The half life of metformin is about 6 hours, therefore it will take much longer than an hour for metformin to even start working.that is why the BS was going up even he took the metformin an hour After he ate the banana 2 hour ago.BS went up to 302 is related to that banana.My suggestion is try not to eat for 4 hours ,then repeat the BS test and see whether the BS is going down. If it goes back to 102-120 where he was at before, then you know the high BS was from food rather than the chemotherapy. To answer whether your husband ‘ s chemotherapy,which I assume he is still on Gemzar alone will cause him to have high BS( hyperglycemia) or not, the answer is yes, it is around 30% especially when use with cisplatin together.
    God bless.


    pcl,george ate some soup about 2hrs befor he checked it,then 225, so he ate a bananna after that check,waited an hr,checked and it was 273,so he cut his mediformin in half,waited an hr,now its not sure what going on,this didnt happen after his first round of chemo,we are going to check again in 30 min,then i will call his nurse…thank you everybody,love you all…..Lynn


    Lynn, we have such smart members. I can see what Susie means as this last year Prednisone which is a steroid made my Glucose jump so high. I would wake up in the morning with a count 300 -400! Now that I am weaning off, the count is more my normal range.


    Steroids can raise blood sugars. A lot of patients getting chemo get steroids to help with nausea.


    Can you tell me the time( in hours) between taking the blood sugar test(225) and the time he ate anything,(snack or dinner) today? I will not worry if it was within a couple hours;just retake the blood sugar 4 hour after he ate anything.
    God bless.


    can anyone tell me if chemo can effect blood sugar?George’s been fine,right at 101 sometimes a little higher,but not over 120,a little while ago he checked it and it was 225.Thanks love and hugs Lynn

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