3 Years Ago Today

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance 3 Years Ago Today

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  • #67518

    Thank you Lisa!

    And hugs to you too!



    Gavin, thank you for sharing your wonderful memories . You are such a positive presence on this board and I am so grateful to have you in our CC family.


    Thank you Holly!


    I am but a cc newcomer but I just want to squeak in and say thank you to you for all you do for all of us here, new ones every day, for sharing, and for tirelessly being on this site with your good cheer. You are a really special person and your Dad must have been so proud. It gives me hope to think of my children after I go. Life does not stop, they will go on. Bless you.


    Thank you all! Thank you very very much indeed for everything that you said and for the so kind words, they mean so much to me. And indeed, you all mean so much to me as well, you are family.

    What you said about me being a lineman Percy brought back another memory about my dad that I had not thought about in a long time so my thanks to you for that Percy! When I started playing football as a centre he helped me practice my shotgun snaps in the house with my first football! I played nose tackle as well but don’t think he would have been so keen on helping me practice these sort of moves!!

    The first line of my first post here Marion, I still remember writing that now. Thanks for posting that Marion! Over 4 years ago that was now, how time passes does it not. And yes Janet, we have all been through so much in these 3 years haven’t we, all of us!

    My thanks to each and every one of you once again. I do wish that we all never had the reason to come here, but I was and am so glad that we all have somewhere to come where we can and do help each other each and every day. We keep fighting.

    Big hugs and much love to you all,



    Topic: Hello everyone – I’m new here
    Hi there,
    My name is Gavin and I’m new here so I thought I would introduce myself. I live in Dundee in Scotland and I am the carer for my Dad. “

    Dear Gavin….this is the beginning of your very first posting; I remember it well. It touched me deeply and instantly I knew that the person writing is one of great character and kindness. You do so much and you ask for nothing in return. Your work behind the scene is never mentioned and yet you continue to put yourself out there with love and caring for all touched by this disease. Our Facebook site has grown due to your continuous effort by spreading the word and connection with those in need of information and support.
    Thank you, Gavin’s Mom and Dad; you have raised a beautiful son and thank you, dear Gavin for being who you are.


    I remember him on the horse! he seemed like a game for anything sort of bloke.I doesnt feel like 3 years ,although we have all been through a lot together in these last few years

    love from your friend Janet


    Well said Gavin and a nice tribute to your dad. It made me smile. Thinking of you , your mum and also your dad who I am sure is smiling from beyond. :)

    Love & Hugs,



    Thanks for sharing the memory and thanks so much for being so active on the board. You always write the nicest things and are so supportive. We appreciate you!

    Take care,




    Thank you for loving your Dad so much and for helping so many on this board.


    3 years?? That’s so hard to take in, as it feels like yesterday for me, too. I remember the lovely tribute you wrote about him and the wonderful photos you showed us.

    Gavin, you are a wonderful person and your dad must be so proud of you. You have been – and still are – an amazing advocate for people coping with this cancer in all sorts of ways.

    Love to you and your mum.

    Julia xx


    Hi, Gavin,

    Thanks for such a tribune to the relationship between you and your father.especially from a big Scottish lineman like you.
    However the most admiring character and love that will make your father much proud of you is after all those years and suffering the death of you Dad, you did not walk away from this website and move on to other business; instead, you stick around and put your energy into this website and contribute to those who need advice and emotional support. You motivate me to do the same,for that I say to you thank you and be sure to say hi to your mum for me even the BEARS lost last nite.
    God bless.


    Hi Gavin,

    I am sorry today is such a bittersweet day. Sad because you miss him so much, but happy as well because you remember all the great, fun times together. You are the best son a man could ask for. You make your Dad proud every day by helping others and spreading the word about CC. Please give your Mum an extra hug from me and tell her I am thinking of your dear Dad.

    Love and Hugs, -Pam


    Thanks Willow and Randi. And yes Randi, memories do sustain us don’t they. I love them and they make us smile don’t they! :)


    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful memory! Memories really do sustain us. ((Hugs))

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