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    Have you tried the comfort foods such as mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and gravy? My daughter loves my homemade chicken and rice soup and creamed chicken over biscuits. Will he eat anything bland? That would definitely make a person tired if they are not eating. My heart goes out to you both. I hope you can find something he might like to eat. Take care.



    MaFoster….. If only the lack of appetite is causing his lackluster appetite then I would try to find something that he can tolerate or possibly even like. Some people like ice cream however; others don’t do well with the high fat content. Try a few different types of food and see how your Dad responds. If you are lucky there is something not even thought of that may just do the trick.
    Moving around (even small steps) may help him regain some strengths and his appetite. Sounds like your Dad is depressed and that may be contributing to his distaste for food.
    I also wanted to mention that the metastases to his spine may become uncomfortable or even painful so you would want to speak to the physician about pain medication if needed.
    Hopefully others will share a few of their thoughts on what worked for them.
    Please keep us posted. We care.


    Dear MaFoster, Don’t worry about big meals rather let Dad ‘graze’ during the day. It was recommended by Hospice to give Teddy, my husband, Carnation Instant Breakfast as it has all the nutrients needed and can take the place of each meal. Teddy loved the Vanilla and I would blend in a Banana. Any fruit will do. For an energy boost his ONC started him on B12 injections once a month. It is heart breaking for sure to watch a loved one suffer but we have to be strong so that they can draw on our strength. Also attitude helps so much. Be strong! Thanks for the update, we love to hear hear the word shrinkage!


    It has been a while since I posted, but I wanted to give an update. Dad completed his first round of chemo. He went once a week every other week, for a total of 4 chemo sessions. Dad always felt better after receiving chemo. He went back to MDA to get an update. They found that his tumors had all decreased except for 2 in his liver. I think they were actually a little bigger. They also found a new tumor on his spine. Good news was that his blood clots were gone too. After dad was given a hearing test from his audiologist he got the ok to continue chemo, which will be this Wednesday. Dad has still continued to lose weight. He has now lost 90 pounds since August. His main problem is not being able to eat. He said everything tastes like paper & he can’t eat more than a couple of bites. I’m extremely worried about his lack of nutrition & calorie intake. He has zero energy and mentioned he doesn’t even feel human anymore. It’s devastating & heartbreaking to see him in this state. Before his diagnosis he was just so active & full of life. Any suggestions on him conquering these eating battles would be wonderful. Thank you all.

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