Hi! Mom newly diagnosed

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hi! Mom newly diagnosed

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    And….Pam…I love my Mother with my whole heart….and cant imagine what it would feel like to have my daughter battling this….special prayers for you…

    GAVIN! Dundee , huh? My family is originally from Collieston in Aberdeenshire…Hi, Scottish cousin! (well, kinda)…

    And to my neighbor in Roanoke :) Thanks for the tip about Duke – will let you know!

    Love and prayers to you all….and many thanks.



    You GUYS! Thanks for such a warm welcome…I feel comforted, already, by this family :)

    Mother went for chemo yesterday…no luck…platelets had dropped to 34 ….so we try again next week AFETR her 76th brithday on Sunday – woo hoo!

    Home Health Care nurse came in today….said the left lobe of her lung sounded wonky….may try a course of antibiotics as flu is rampant and she just left the hospital….

    She is pretty tired, but eating well and happy to be surrounded by people who love her.

    My sibs and I were on a similar journey with my Dad 11 years ago….weird anaplastic thyroid cancer ….died six weeks after diagnosis…the blessing was that I was prompted to be tested….found cancer and had mine removed….so ….what a dear angel my Daddy was for giving and continuing to give me life.

    Mother is pretty determined….as are we all for her….will keep posting and let you know….and will continue to keep all of yo n my prayers.


    Hi, Deane
    Looks like we are almost neighbours. Wanted to say welcome. My husband had CC and we went to Duke for second opinion – and Duke would be a lot closer to you. They might offer your mom some experimental trial, if she qualifies. Good luck!


    Hi Deane,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry to hear about your mum. But I am glad that you have joined us all as you have come to the right place for support and help. Your mum sure has been through so much hasn’t she. Remission from lung cancer and now this to deal with. I bet that she is such a tough fighter and I am sure that she will fight this as well.

    I will be keeping my fingers crossed that your mums chemo works well for her and please keep us all updated on how things go for her. We do have a great chemo board here on the site that may be of interest to you and as Percy has said as well, there is also a surgery and resection board that may also interest you.

    I hope that will keep coming back here, and if you have any questions ask away and we will do our best to help in answering them. And please know that we are all here for you and we care.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    If the diagnosis is cholangiocarcinoma, I will get a 2nd opinion by a LIVER surgeon. Dr.Chapman in St.Louise; Dr. Gores at Mayo Clinics; Dr. Kato at New York Pres.; or the multidisciplinary team approach at John Hopkins near you.
    I am a patient of this disease for 44 month after 2 resections and there are so many others too.
    Please look at our experience forum under “surgery and resections” and you will learn a lot more about the best doctors; the resection experiences before and after; the benefit and difference for CT scan, MRI and PET; it is a lot to learn but will be useful in the future for understanding this disease.
    Remember surgery is the ONLY possible CURE for this disease and age of the patient is not a risk factor in determining the outcome.
    God bless.


    Dear Deane, welcome to our remarkable family but sorry you had to join us. Congratulations on your Mom already being a Survivor and her attitude will help her a lot in fighting CC. Please keep us updated on her progress as we truly care.


    Hi Deane,

    Welcome to this wonderful site, but so sorry you had to find us. Your Mother sounds like a strong lady, after already battling lung cancer. My daughter is currently on Gemzar and Xeloda as well. I hope your Mom will be able to have a resection, but if not there are many on this site in the same boat. Everyone tries different chemos, radiation, and many other things to try and shrink tumors and prolong life. We are one little family that helps and supports each other through good times and bad. Please keep us updated on your Mom and I wish her all the best in the future.

    Love and hugs,


    Hi….my Mother, aged 76 in a week :) – was finally diagnosed on Tuesday with intrahepatic…hard time with the diagnosis as the onc and pathologist initially thought it was pancreatic with mets to her liver….Mother has been in remission from lung cancer for seven years now….started chemo with Gimzar and Xeloda on Thursday in hopes to shrink her tumor – 8.5 cm(not clear if this is the secondary tumor in liver or primary growing into liver) ….if so, an appt at UNC to explore resection, although she may not be a great candidate….so glad to find this site and appreciate all of your experience, strength and hope!

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