My mom Louisa

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! My mom Louisa

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    Welcome to our special group of caring and knowledgeable members who are brought together by this horrible disease. I hope this forum is of great help to you. I was so glad to read that your mom had a second opinion from UCSF. I live in the Bay Area and know firsthand that UCSF is the best place to be treated in our area. I agree that the chemo can be administered anywhere, but that an expert center is needed to determine whether or not a patient might actually be resectable, as well as best current treatment options.

    I wish your mom all the best.



    Hi All,
    I’ve been on this site since July just taking in all the information while navigating my mom, Louisa, through her diagnosis of CC. We live in San Francisco and are being treated at Kaiser in the city. I am so glad that I found this site as it has been a treasure chest of knowledge in this crazy journey. I hope to share some stories, experiences and advice to benefit those that are going through this or will go through this terrible disease.

    About my mom Louisa:
    She has an approximate 5cmx6cmx5cm mass that originated in the bile duct that spread to the liver and galbladder area. She had a mental stent placed in the bile duct that relieved her of jaundice. Since the mass is inoperable she is undergoing chemo (gem/capecitabine). This week she started her second cycle of chemo and faired well with the first cycle. We got a second opinion from UCSF and they wanted to wait and see the results of her Kaiser treatment before getting referred. UCSF did do mollecular testing from Guardant and didn’t find any genetic mutations that would qualify her for a clinical trial. UCSF can offer immunotherapy treatment if we eventually go to them.

    So we are basically in a hold pattern to see how mom is going to respond to chemo before deciding on next steps. Fingers crossed! My mom is a tiger mom so I know she will fight this tooth and nail.


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