
Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Introductions

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    Hi , Laura….greetings from Virginia!

    So glad that you found this site…It has been an invaluable source of research and support for me.

    Best of luck as your tumors shrink…very happy that the chemo is working for you!



    Laura…I would like to follow the others and welcome you to our site – so glad that you have found us. You have joined a great discussion board. Everyone is supportive, shares information, and welcomes new members. Great news about the continuous shrinkage of your tumor; congratulations and enjoy.



    Hi Laura,

    I would also like to welcome you to this site. I am sorry you were not able to have the resection, but it is great that the chemo is working! Could you tell us a little more about you such as family and where you are treated. We have many members from Canada. You might find one is close to you and you can become lunch buddies. My daughter and I have met some really nice people from this site. The support is awesome. I hope to learn more about you. Take care.



    Hi Laura,

    Welcome to the site and sorry you had to find us. You are definitely not alone. This site is a wonderful resource and provides a great deal of support.
    Best of luck with your treatment and please keep us posted.



    My name is Laura and I am living in Thunder Bay, Ontario.

    In August 2011 the doctor found a large tumor on my liver while doing an ultra sound to see if I had fatty liver disease.

    After numerous tests, I was scheduled to have a liver resection in December of 2011. The surgery was unsuccessful after they found the tumor had spread into the abdomenal wall.

    I am current doing oral chemo (Xeloda) and iv chemo (Gemcitabine). So far the treatment is working and the tumor is slowly shrinking.

    The blood work all indicates that the cancer started in the bile ducts.

    It’s been a real struggle to stay positive, but most days I am. I am so glad to have found this sight. I no longer feel that I am the only one in the world with this rare cancer.


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