Time is Precious

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    I am so sorry about your sister but what a beautiful memory book you are creating, such a wonderful gift. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.


    Dear Clare,

    Thinking of you and your family at this sad and trying time. Try to make the most of this time. These will be memories you can keep forever. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,


    Pam what a great idea. Thank you:-) I will suggest it to my brother in law when I call him tonight. I just don’t know if my sister will be up to doing it though. There is very little conversation, she is very vacant and her voice is almost emotionless when she does talk. I’m off to see if I have any little videos on my phone. Why oh why did I not think of this before I left her this morning?


    Hi Pam, so good to see you as ususal and oh my, what an astounding idea! I kept Teddy’s phone message on for 2 years until some told me it was enough. Sorry to say I listened to them! Like to add…don’t listen to other opinions, when it is enugh for the one grieving….that is when it’s enough and not until one is fully ready.


    Dear Clare,

    If your sister is up to reading, there are numerous books that can record the voice of the person reading it.

    I would give anything to hear my Mom’s voice again…..

    Hugs and prayers to you as you begin this difficult part of the journey….



    Dear Clare,

    I am very sorry to hear of your sister’s health. What a great idea to sort through old pictures and reminisce about the good old days. My prayers are with both of you and I hope your sister can rest comfortably.




    I am so very sorry to hear about your dear sister. Sorting out pictures is a wonderful way to share stories and memories with each other. I wish your sister a peaceful journey and you and your family the peace as well.

    Thinking of you,


    Dear Clare,

    I am very sorry to hear about your sister. I can remember this time well when I was there with my dad and it is tough but precious as well. That is great that you and your sister are making this album and I would also say to treasure every moment right now. I wish you every strength right now and know that my thoughts are with you as well.




    Dear Clarem,

    My thoughts are with you and your family, I can’t imagine going through this with a sister!!

    What a lovely idea for her 3 yr old, a photo album to cherish forever!!

    I can relate to your comment about time being out of whack….feels like a lifetime since my mum was diagnosed, yet feels like yesterday!

    Best wishes,


    Dearest Clare, I am so very sorry to read about your lovely sister. You are using this time very wisely as it is the time for making beautiful Memories. I hope your Sister has a more Peaceful Journey than she has had up to now as in the end that is really all we wish for. They say it takes a minute to find a special person. An hour to appreciate them. A day to love them. And an entire life to forget them.


    My sister got home from hospital yesterday after being told by her consultant that she has very little time left. She went in on Tuesday to have her leaking drain looked at but her general condition has deteriorated rapidly, far quicker than he or any of us could have predicted.

    She has so many infections going on, is frail, thin, tired and just not the sister I knew 2 months ago.

    Time is all out of whack since her diagnosis in October with it being the longest 4 months of my life whilst also going by far, far too quickly.

    Today me and my other sister are sorting an album so that her 3 year old has book full of photographs of her.

    I am sorry to post this about her as I want there to be hope and positivity for all of those dealing with this awful disease.

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