Cholangiocarcinoma fundraiser

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    Hi Allison,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and i’m sorry to hear about your mum. I came here after my dad was diagnosed and I know how you are feeling right now. And yes, you are so right in that more, much more in fact needs to be done with regards to research and awareness.

    Should you wish to do something in conjunction with the CCF then this page may be of use and interest to you –

    Or maybe you would get more information or ideas if you called or emailed here (801) 999-0455 or

    I do hope that you keep coming back here Allison and tell us more about your mum. We are all here for you and please let us know how things go for you and your mum.

    My best wishes to you and your mum,



    May i suggest simply honoring your beloved Mother by creating a webste and then linking donations to The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation. the CCF IS It highly organized, reputable and directly funds CC research. Please contact board members who can answer any questions or concerns you might have about where the $ goes.
    Sincere hope for a cure for your Mom and all those with CC, Willow


    Dear Allison, I want to welcome you to our remarkable family but will let the powers that be give you a more informed answer on the funds. Sorry to her about your Mother, are you able to tell us a little more about her journey? You are so right that we need more awareness so that we can get more research but we really have come moe known now in the past couple of years. Why, CC is even mentioned on some Medical programs, imagine that? You have come to a good place to be for support and please let us know how things progress for your Moither and for you on your goal.


    My mother was recently diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma in 12/12. After doing research on this type of cancer I have seen that it is a rare form of cancer that still needs a great deal of research and funding. I am interested in making a website that is in honor of my mother but will raise awareness to this type cancer. I would prefer all the funds go directly to the research/treatment of cholangiocarcinoma. Is there a foundation or specific website that I could go to that will make it easy for me to create an acct/website to begin this? I was thinking of doing a webpage for the Relay for Life but I don’t know how much money would specifically go towards cholangiocarcinoma research. Any suggestions or information regarding this would be much appreciated.

    Thank You,

    Allison Pearce

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