Hepatic Arterial Infusion a clinical trial phase 1

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    Hi kathyd,

    I am so glad you found a place that gives you lots of hope. That’s the name of the game. Best wishes for success with your treatment.

    Lainy- Sounds like lots of fun. I wish we lived closer!!



    Dear KathyD, I go to BannerMDA here in Phoenix for another rare Cancer. Very impressive. I hope all works out well for you and I have an offer! Actually, this offer is for anyone in the Milwaukee area or near it. Going to Milwaukee for first Grandson’s wedding then out to the Lake House that Teddy and I loved to stay at in the summer for 2 weeks. Belongs to a dear friend and its all mine for 10 days. IF we had some peeps who wanted to come out for a day we could arrange a Mini Convention. The only time I can’t is June 1 and 2 as people are coming out to work on the House.
    Date: May 28th – 4th JUN (could possibly do Memorial Day but NOT June 1 & 2)
    Lake Wabasse near Wind Lake.
    About 2PM -?
    Canoes, water sports, fire pit for later, food etc. Nice sun deck and BBQ.
    I will make dinner. Or pick it up! Any interest?


    That sounds so promising Kathyd! I am hoping that the treatment goes as planned and there is some smooth sailing for you!

    Haven’t been to MDA but I’ve seen that plenty on this site have so I am sure someone will come along soon and chime in.



    Greetings everyone…..it has been a while since I have written….but wanted to write to see if anyone else is having this therapy.
    After not getting anywhere with the chemo I was getting in Wisconsin (white cells always down and treatments delayed….in fact I have only had 6 chemo visits to date and was diagnosed Sept. 24th, 2012) or the oncologist at home who wanted to just throw more chemo when obviously my body can not handle it… and a CAT scan and PET scan showing more liver tumors, I decided to go to MD Anderson in Houston. Actually I started in Orlando because we were visiting in Florida, and ended up in Orlando Regional Hospital for 5 days with an infection of ecoli and kleblicella sp? and then on iv antibiotics for 2 weeks but the dr. there quickly referred me to Houston. That place is something else….never saw so many smart people in one place!!
    We saw Dr. Subbiah and they had reviewed all my records and scans ahead of time. His first choice is to do this hepatic infusion along with oxialiplatin and capecitabine and bevacizumab. It is done inpatient via catheter into my groin. This doctor is in the Clinical Center for Targeted Therapy. He also said that if I do not have at least 20 % improvement after 3 treatments, I will be switched to possibly targeted therapy….the one where you get your mouth swabbed and a biopsy and they try to match up that with your genes to get the cancer killed.
    I see there are more treatments to try….and I will keep trying.
    Anyone else going to MD??? What are they doing for you?
    Thank you for the time…sorry this got so long….
    God bless all of us…….

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