Question of Heredity

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    Glad to be of help Stamatina. Hope that your dad enjoys the prunes and that they work as well!

    Best wishes,



    Very glad you reminded me about the prunes Gavin. He would always request these from me even before he got diagnosed, said the ones in Greece don’t taste as good. Thank you!


    Forgot to mention as well Stamatina, prunes were another of my dads favourites with regards to helping keep things regular.


    Hi Stamatina,

    My dad tried sleeping tablets a few times when he came home from hospital and he was prescribed Zopiclone. They seemed to be a bit hit and miss for him and he only took them a few times.

    Here’s a link about insomnia that you may find useful –

    Best wishes,



    Thank you Gavin and Randi, will definitely pack some Lactulose and Senna. One more question, my brother who is in Greece now gave my dad some of his sleeping pills and they seemed to help him sleep more comfortably. Are there any sleeping pills in particular that would be best?


    Hi Stamatina,

    My dad also had constipation issues as well. He tried Movicol and Lactulose and found that the Lactulose worked best for him. He took it morning and night in a drink form and stopped using the Movicol. And using Randi’s phrase, it certainly helped keep things moving!

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    One other things for constipation that will really help if you need it is Senna. It’s a natural laxative that is also available OTC at drugstores. I needed both Miralax and Senna to keep things moving (if you know what I mean) while I was receiving chemo.

    Safe travels and best wishes to your family.


    Lainy and Suzy,
    I am moved to tears by your compassion and practical advice. I will get the Sarna and Brioche and Miralax. Thank you thank you!!



    Another suggestion for constipation is Miralax. Many of us use it and it is another over the counter item that can be purchased at Walgreens.


    Just a couple of suggestions, easy to tote that can be put away and will be there if needed for future. Both are over the counter remedies and seem to work for others when I have suggested them, they worked for my Teddy.

    Itching, a cream called Sarna. Can not get it anywhere but in the states at a CVS or Walgreens.

    Hiccups or indigestion, Briosche also at same drug stores. Just pack them in plastic with your clothes. Safe travel to you!

    P.S. Don’t think those foods, while not great, play as big a part as perhaps contaminated fish with a parasite called liver flukes. Actually no diet that I know of has played a part for or against CC. It’s just the strangest cancer monster ever!


    Thank you all for all of your priceless advice! My dad was suffering from depression for many years before his diagnosis and definitely ate a lot of meat and fried foods. Although this may not have caused Cholangiocarcinoma, these factors may have played a part. I am going to fly out to Greece and see him this Sunday. I’m going to be very very positive and just bring him good energy from the States along with some benefiber. Are there any other items I can bring with me on my trip that may improve the quality of his life? I know benefiber will definitely help, the meds are constipating him my mom has told me.

    I will continue to update all of you as to his progress. I continue to feel very blessed to have found this network of angels and heroes. Sending lots of positive energy and love from LV!!


    Hi Stamatina-
    My husband has CC. His father died of liver disease- but it was when my husband was 10. So he doesn’t actually know what kind of disease, as it was 45 years ago.



    Sorry to hear about your father.

    My understanding is that there are no specific screening tests for this particular cancer. The things that people who have a family history of any cancer can do is eat right, exercise, reduce stress, see their doctor and get any tests that are recommended for their age group, and stay in tune with their body.



    Stamatina….Many of us have asked the questions of genetic predisposition to this cancer however; we have no data confirming this.


    Hi Everybody,
    My dad in Greece has been diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma and my brother and I wanted to ask are there any tests that we should be doing? Is Cholangiocarcinoma hereditary? My brother is 49 and I am 44 years old. My dad is in his 80s. Thank you all in advance for your advice.

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