Been a while… but good news anyway!

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Been a while… but good news anyway!

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    Derin, many plans all set for some great events coming up! BTW, this should become the BRAVO Channel for people like you! Enjoy your Seder, easy on the Matzo!


    Wow, this post became the cooking channel all of a sudden!!! We’re doing a seder 2nd night, going to friends the first night. Yes, Bat Mitzvah on October 16th I believe. We’ve got the hotel blocked, DJ lined up, Michael’s on East booked for the venue and food, and the wife is making the center pieces already!


    Randi, here is a funny one, My parents were reform. Dad’s parents were Orthodox and when they came over from Russia ended up in Wausau Wis. They had the ONLY Mikvah (ritual ) bath in their house for hundreds of miles around. Well he decided to be reform when they got married. Anyway, they loved bacon and ribs but would not eat ham or pork chops!! People are the funniest.


    hahaha. Love pork tenderloin. My parents were Kosher growing up, but we did not keep kosher. But never had things like pork or milk with meat. Now all bets are off! Ham/pork whatever tastes good. :)



    1 Large can Le Suer small peas drained
    3/4 cup ground walnuts
    2 hard boiled eggs
    3 medium onions chopped or frozen works ok too
    1 TSP olive oil
    2 TLB Margarine

    Saute chopped onion in margarine and olive oil until light brown. Blend walnuts in food processor with the drained peas and hard boiled eggs. You want it fairly smooth but looking like Chopped liver. Blend browned onion. Add salt to taste.Mix together. Make 24 hours in advance, refrigerate and serve with favorite crackers also can be frozen. Can be easily doubled for more people.

    Want to really crack up??? Here we are talking Jewish soul food and for dinner I am making sauteed pork tenderloins!!!!


    Send me the recipe for the Mock Liver please!! Sounds like a great alternative. I miss all of the stuff that my grandparents brought for the seder…smoked white fish, pickled herring, nova lox, chopped herring salad, stuffed dates. Ah the memories it evokes.


    MMmmm Carrot cake was Teddy’s favorite. If you like Chopped Liver, excuse the expression, but I have a Mock Chopped Liver made with veggies and it tastes just like Chopped liver. I know what you mean, we are not as religious as we are Traditional. Love the traditions and so do my Grandkids. Lexy, my amazing Granddaughter has brought her bestie for years who is not Jewish. I asked her if Mandy was coming and she said yes and I am asking Rachel and some of my Sorority Sisters at NAU. I said I am sorry honey but in my apartment now I only have room for 8 and we have 9 already. I felt bad but……..


    I make the farfel kugel and a carrot cake for dessert…we are not very strict. My sister makes brisket and my other sister makes a turkey. Chopped liver (which I do NOT eat anymore…livers don’t hold the same meaning for me if you know what I mean), sweet potatoes, and lots of other things. My older sister makes the chicken soup and matzoh balls and it is quite good.

    It’s the holiday we love the most…it’s all about family and memories.


    Randi, when I was married to Brand X my Mother in law whom I loved dearly, and I made it once from scratch. OMG My house smelled like a fish tank for 5 days. We also take a few liberties at the Seder. I wrote a short one and my Granddaughter Lexy drew the cover. Instead of hard boiled eggs my daughter makes devil eggs,she makes the best. Instead of parsley I use celery. This year a potato Kugel, never made one and a sweet Farfel Kugel. I have already hidden the Afikomen as I put it in a baggie. No sponge cake this year too hard for me right now so will get an Angel Food Cake for the Strawberries. I know G-d will forgive me. Chix soup in the freezer with 28 perfectly formed Matzo Balls.Glazed Chix sitting right next to it.
    Oh, oh! Guess what I hear??? When we talk food Gavin is NOT far away! If anyone has questions we will be glad to answer. This is all talkie talk about our Seder (Ritual Dinner) for Passover. We get excited. Its a biggie and a lot of work from the heart. Hint: If you make your own Matzo Balls and boil them? Instead of water use canned or boxed chix broth as the balls will pick up the flavor.



    Gefilte fish is a running joke in our family. Some of my daughters boyfriends along the way have had the great privilege of going to either my mother’s house (when she was alive) or my sister’s house for Passover. The running joke was that they were required to eat Gefilte Fish…which of course grossed them all out. My daughter’s current boyfriend sent me a picture of himself holding a jar of Gefilte fish at the grocery store and told me he was practicing for Passover!

    Oh and I still remember when my girls figured out that there was no such fish as a gefilte!! They were so appalled.

    That jarred stuff does not hold a candle to my grandmother’s homemade Gefilte fish!!

    Lainy, we also move our Passover seder so that we can all be together. Ours is next weekend at my sister’s house.



    Derin, I am so very HAPPY for you. If I am not mistaken aren’t you planning a Bat Mitzvah? Have to tell you and Randi this. I am making Seder this weekend as 3 of the 4 Grandkids will be home for Spring Break. Went shopping for Gefilte Fish and apparently they no longer make it with only Whitefish but add Carp or Pike. Finally at my 5th store, I found 2 jars of only Whitefish. Of course I bought both jars. So told the kids Grandma went fishing for Gefilte Fish. Just with a mental picture I was cracking up. Doesn’t take much these days!
    So elated for you and your family. You know you are one of our Super Heros! I sure hope you stick around with us, we love your posts.


    Derin….ha, ha….you present with a better medical picture than that of the majority of people, cancer or not. Enjoy life, dear Derin. And, once in a while please pop in on us; we love it.


    Despite the stunted medical terminology, indeed “gotta love it”! I also love the way you are moving forward and leaving this awful disease behind. Congratulations and God Bless…



    Great news!!! Very happy for you.


    And the official findings:

    CHEST: There is no axillary, mediastinal or hilar adenopathy. There are no suspicious pulmonary nodules. There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion. The pulmonary arteries are well opacified without filling defect.

    ABDOMEN AND PELVIS: The patient remains status post partial hepatectomy. The liver has a stable appearance. The patient is status post cholecystectomy. The spleen, bilateral adrenal glands and both kidneys have a normal appearance. The pancreas appears normal. There is no adenopathy. Delayed images demonstrate no filling defect within the bilateral renal collecting systems, ureters, or urinary bladder.

    IMPRESSION: Stable examination., Findings are NOT suspicious for tumor recurrence or metastatic disease.

    It’s official… Gotta love it!!!

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