where we are in our fight

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  • #17504

    Hi Deanna… I admire your positive attitude. Prayers coming your way. I would like to ask a few questions… What type of radiation and chemo is or did your husband recieve? what size is his tumor? What Cancer Center is treating him as it sounds like they are on the ball? Has the transplant coordinator discussed all issuses on how to gain a positive transplant waiting list approval? I am just so curious as others have tried and run in to a brick wall for one reason or another. I surely wish you and yours only the best in your fight against this disease. Will look forward to your reply.
    Jeff G.


    My husband was diagnosed in March 07. We did twice a day radiation for three weeks. We then began chemo two weeks on and one week off. They performed brachytherapy and now continuing chemo are waiting a liver transplant. We are following our doctors and doing everything they say. We are waiting a certain review board to accept us for the waiting list. This course of action is viable according to tumor size. My dear husband is 46 and we have two children ages 15 and 10. We have been married for 17 years. This rocked our world. Our strength comes from God! I now that this is in his hands. My heart goes out to all of you if I can answer any questions please feel free to contact me. I have done a lot of research on this also. God bless each and everyone of you fighting this disease and your families


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