Clean scan

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  • #70853


    That’s exactly the news I was hoping for! So glad to hear she is doing well.

    Take care,



    Well, Eli, that was an amazing update and you are an awesome couple. Wishing you a good cycling summer! Marina is for sure a Super Hero and I wish only for her to continue with good news! Thanks Eli, you are quite a wonderful husband and while all this was going on with Marina we thank you for helping so many members of our Family here too.


    Hi Susie,

    Marina is doing great, thanks for asking. She is back to work full time as of December. She goes to the office every day.

    Her digestion and plumbing are fine, as long as she sticks to home cooked, comfort food. She has to watch her portion sizes. She feels discomfort occasionally when she overeats or grabs something unhealthy. She is very disciplined about it though, so it doesn’t happen very often.

    Marina regained most of her old weight but not all of it. Her face rounded out very nicely… BIG contrast to how she looked 12 months ago when she finished chemo.

    Like you, she takes proton pump inhibitor (Pantoprazole) for acid reflux. As a Whipple patient, she will be taking it for the rest of her life. Aside from PPI, she doesn’t need any medication. She takes some self-prescribed supplements and vitamins, but they are optional.

    Marina still has her port, 12 months after chemo. She goes to the hospital once a month to flush it. I’m not sure when she will find the courage to take it out. I don’t ask. I want her to make up her own mind without feeling any pressure. You’ve been there so you know the trade-offs.

    As far as exercise goes… we are looking forward to the start of the cycling season. Marina can ride a bike despite her surgical hernia. She cycled daily last summer and fall.

    Susie, I’m glad to hear that you are able to run. That’s a great sign. Keep up the good work!!

    Best wishes,


    congrats and birthday greetings too. happy dance for sure!



    Congratulations to you and your wife! This is such a great news! So happy for you both!!!



    Congrats to you and Marina. What a wonderful birthday gift! I am so happy for your good news……Life is Good


    Eli, how does your wife feel? What’s day to day life like for her? I remember our treatment was pretty similar.
    I feel pretty good. I am up to 125lbs! I was 118 before I get sick and went down to 104lbs at my worst during radiation.
    I take omeprazole for acid reflux. I was off it for a while, but seemed to need to clear my throat frequently, so I went back on it. I take Creon with meals. Not sure if it helps or not, but it doesn’t bother me, so I stay on it. The reason I started it was for floating stools. but no other symptoms.
    I work from home full time. I am pretty active again. I run frequently, just around 3 miles, but I’m thankful to be able to do that.
    Overall, I’m very pleased with my post treatment life. You would think it would be much worse considering everything my body has been through.
    I hope your wife is feeling good! I think of you both often.

    Take care,



    THANK YOU, all, for the kind words of support.


    Hey Eli,

    Great news mate…I truly hope for continued success.

    Take Care


    Fantastic news!! Here’s to the next 6 months and more!


    Hi Eli,

    This is excellent news indeed! Many thanks for sharing it and I hope that you and Marina celebrated big time!!

    My best wishes to you both,



    Eli….what better Birthday gift than that of a clean scan? I am thrilled to hear of the fantastic news.
    Hugs to you and your family,


    Congratulations!! So happy to hear the great news.

    Take care,



    OMG, Pam we are twins: I am not stuborn as I can be swayed IF I feel I am wrong, I call myself tenacious.
    I am not a big eater at least for the last 2 years…still fighting the UC.
    I will have your back even if I am upset with you. Extremely loyal but don’t lie to me.
    I will always be for the underdog. Even fought the Neoi Nazis in downtown Milwaukee every weekend with my kids. That was about 38 years ago.
    practical and reliable
    Goal oriented
    Material things mean nothing to me.
    Devoted and Romantic
    Strong in business.
    I don’t know Pam I don’t seem to fit that much being a Taurus but I sure do like the way I am, maybe I will ask me out for a date!


    Congratulations on the great scan and Happy Birthday to Marina. What a wonderful post. So happy for you!

    Lainy- You are a Taurus? So am I !! Are you stubborn, loyal, and love to eat? I am pretty much a Taurus down to the t. No wonder I like you so much!!

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