further introduction

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    Hi Bonnie, you are something else and I am so glad to hear you are doing well. Teddy also preferred Carnation, the vanilla and I would blend in a banana or any other fruit. Have fun on your ‘shopping’ trip. Actually Teddy was the big shopper, I wouldn’t care if I never shopped again. Just don’t like it. Safe Travel and keep on staying good!


    Yes I like the carnation drinks. Before my diagnosis I worked for the school board as an EPA. Which means I worked with special needs children. Some of which were tube fed. Hence why I don’t drink boost or ensure. That is what was put in their tubes and often when feeding them some that had soured in their stomach’s would come out and just the reminder of that smell is why I cant drink it. you would think mind over matter but nope every time I try it makes me nauseated.
    I am doing very well so far. I have not gained any weight but am maintaining my weight. I feel well most of the time. I have been able to travel to visit my son in Ottawa and this weekend Sunday I am going on a shopping road trip from Canada to Bangor Maine with 3 friends, I am looking forward to the trip. I just live everyday to the fullest and am surprised at how well I am doing. Knock on wood so far so good. My diagnosis was in September with the diagnosis of inoperable in November and here it is July and am still going strong!



    Wishing you well as you go through this. Just wanted to add that while my wife was in the hospital recently she started eating Boost pudding for nutrition. She was not too excited about the Boost liquid but enjoyed the pudding. I tried to find it in local pharmacies but it was not stocked. However, it can be ordered online. It may give you another option for nutrition. My wife also likes Carnation over Boost and Ensure liquids.


    Hi Jeeyoung,

    I am still doing very well. I have been able to maintain my weight. I eat small meals throughout the day. I tried Boost and Ensure but don’t like it. I do like the Carnation drink mixes.

    I have lots of energy and am up and out and about everyday. I am not allowed to drive because of the meds but all my children drive so they take me wherever I want to go.

    Everyone seems surprised at how well I am doing. I figured I was supposed to get worse over time but I still feel better now than I did just after my diagnosis.

    The biggest problem I had was the constipation pain. Since I have started taking lactulose for that I have no pain now.

    I am also taking Vidatox. A homeopathic drug from Cuba. I don’t know if that makes a difference at all but am taking it because it cant hurt me so why not.




    Your positive attitude and outlook are inspiring. I do believe that your mind and body are connected, and it is so important to keep positive energy. Sounds like you have lost a lot of weight.. are you juicing and keeping up with supplements at least. I’m also a believer that food is medicine. You sound very well informed so I’m sure you are taking good care of yourself but just wanted to check if you are keeping up with nutrition…




    Hi Willow,
    Due to the cancer traveling from the bile duct to the head of the pancreas and throughout the liver I am inoperable. The were initially hoping to do a liver resection but the liver blood and entire liver is cancerous so surgery is not an option. Due to the severe weight loss chemo and or radiation is not recommended. The oncologist feels that my attitude will get me further than any chemo will. I am happy with the decision as my quality of life is good.


    Hi Bonnie,
    Welcome and thanks for Sharing your story. Your attitude is an inspiration. If chemo is out, what about surgery or radiation?


    I started with issues of stomach and back pain. Then I started to lose weight and not be able to keep food down. I went to the Dr. in June they did a CT scan and nothing showed up. she did blood work nothing there. They tried prescriptions for irritable bowel and things of that nature. I continued to lose weight. I was hospitalized in September with Jaundice. Originally they thought I had gall stones and that they would do surgery and remove the stones and the gall bladder but with further testing discovered CC. I was in the hospital for 6 days. They did many tests ultra sound and MRI. They sent me home with a scheduled visit with a liver specialist/surgeon. At that visit he told me I was stage 4 and that it had traveled to the liver. The original tumor was in the bile duct. They said it was on the CT scan in June but was so small that it was missed. In September it had grown and was blocking the liver from functioning so that is why I was jaundice. Since then they did a biopsy and PET scan to be sure. I seen the oncologist and they said chemo would not help to shrink the tumor and risky because I have had so much weight loss. I weigh between 77-81 pounds. I am doing well with pain meds. They put me off work but I am up and about and eating small meals often and have mostly good energy levels. I am very positive and am enjoying life.

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