Blood Pressure

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    Thank you Marion and Lainy!!!! Biggest virtual hugs to you ever!!!!


    Dear turtle kid, the biggest step ever has been taken and with dignity and grace. Having Hospice come in will allow everyone to just concentrate on your Dad and you will be able to spend some quality time making good Memories. The other good part of this is Dad is at peace already with his decision and it was his to make. Hospice is there to see he has every comfort and it does not mean the end right away. Teddy was in Hospice at home for 4 months and they were teriffic. Burden is not a word in our vocabulary around here. If you have any questions about Hospice or just in General, just keep posting and we will do our best to answer. afterall we are all Family!


    turtlekid……In your graceful way you allowed your Dad the time he needed to understand and to accept the situation. Too many of us had to take this step and we learned by experience that connecting with those familiar with this disease, helps us understand, guide, and support the ones we love so much. Please don’t believe for one single moment that you are burdening us, as the opposite is true. We want to give back to others what had been given to us.
    My heart is with you.


    Good news…although somewhat sad-Dad says he thinks its time for hospice. It brings me relief to know that there will be capable people helping now, but a hard reality that dad knows its time. We had a great two hour talk this evening-he even told me who he wants me to give tomatoes that he grows to….so sweet that he wants to make sure the people who normally get them still do even after he is gone. Thank you all again (I feel like I keep repeating that line)-it was nice to know I have somewhere to say these things. I hate to burden people…but seeing those of you who are fighting for yourselves-or for your loved ones is truly inspirational.


    My BP has been low since my resection. Not sure why, but I am routinely in the 90’s systolic.

    Take care,



    Thanks all – Dad always had high BP, and when I noticed it going down I called into his primary care physician, to see if we needed to take him off his BP medication. He agreed that we should, as well as another he was on prior to diagnosis, but his BP is still remaining low. I am going over to talk to Dad tomorrow, I am hoping he is to the point now where he will be receptive to hospice. He has started making subtle behavior changes. In addition to becoming more forgetful, and repeating things a lot, he has just in the past day or two become much more affectionate. He has asked for hugs (not like him) and actually said “I love you” today when we spoke. He normally just says “wonderful” when I say I love you….which has always been understood to mean “me too”. Hopefully some alone time tomorrow will give me the opportunity to convince him to let me in, and give him the support hospice can provide. I will let you know how it goes!
    Thank you all so much again for letting me vent….you are all such a source of comfort.


    Mine has been low since diagnosis in 2010. It was never high but now is much lower.


    Pain medicine always made my BP go down.
    Keep us updated!


    Hi turtle kid,

    Many things can affect blood pressure and as Marion said, a doctor can properly assess it and other signs at the same time and see if there is a trend to his blood pressure readings.

    You are doing so well – this must be so very hard on you.


    turtle kid….it may be related to disease progression – only the physician is able to answer this question correctly.
    Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand the actions of our parents, but in this case, your Dad may very well want to stay in control of his life. The question one asks is what the reasons are for your Dad’s reluctance of not taking on some of the options presented to him. Is he frightened, unsure of what an intervention might mean to him because; he is not informed, or is he determined to follow his own path only because that is what he wants to do?

    Does your Dad have a physician he trusts? If so, then this would be the person to explain to him what disease progression entails and how certain interventions will work to his benefit.
    Just a thought, dear turtle kid. You are a caring son and you must know that you are working with a difficult situation.



    One detail, his BP is only 100/60, not sure if that is really low or not.


    Hello All,

    This may have been discussed already in the past, I apologize if so, but my fathers blood pressure is getting lower. Is that normal with the CC or is it more indicative of an infection? He has no fever to speak of. (as background, he is not getting any treatment for his CC, but has not allowed hospice in as of yet). Thank you all in advance, as always, you are all angels!

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