Husband starting chemo tomorrow

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    I hope that round 4 goes smoothly for you Stan! And have a great time this weekend on your break, enjoy!!!


    Stan…. time to break the cycle, dear Stan and to breeze right through this session and enjoy your weekend.


    Hi Stan, much good luck on your 4th Session. Have a great weekend, always good to get away. Say, I bet you are our only Member whose Doc holds your hand all the time! Hope this 4th session goes as smooth.


    I have round four of chemo on Wednesday. The first two resulted in two plus weeks combined in hospital due to complications. The third round was just gemzar and then a week off so I feel almost normal. Going to go away this weekend, wouldn’t dare if not married to a doctor who can run all sorts of good stuff through my port. Family, church and friends are a Godsend.


    Thinking positive thoughts for your husband and for that chemo to kick some CC tail!!


    Hi Carrie, I live in Roswell Ga. So I am very close to you if you ever want to talk. My sister has been on Gem/ Cis combo for 1 year. She has tolerated quite well. Fatigue is her worst symptom but she manages that. Good tumor shrinkage with this combo. Her blood work is stable now but has had to have transfusions along the way. Don’t let that worry you when and if that happens to your husband. You just handle the situation then move forward. We treat this as a chronic disease. I know this must be so hard for you especially when you have to have a happy face for your children. Please know that your family is in my prayers and you’ll feel a lot better now that you have a plan.


    Hi Carrie,

    I hope that your husbands chemo goes well and everything is crossed for the best possible outcome here. Please keep us updated on how he gets on with it and for sure, no wonder you are excited about starting to fight back. Go get em!!!




    good luck Carrie and best wishes–today is our chemo day too.

    We’re off for Round Seven!




    I am wishing your husband great good luck with his chemo today. As Lainy and Marion have said, a routine of sorts will settle in and you will be in fight mode.

    Let us know how he (and you) are doing.



    Carrie… In general people have had some great responses to Gem/Cis and I wish the same for your husband. Stay positive.
    Hoping for things to settle down a bit now for your family, as with the set days of treatment a sort of routine will return to your home. And, that will make your little ones feel safe and happy again.
    Please keep us posted.


    Carrie, I always say that once you began treatment your fright turns to fight and that is a much better state to be in. You have very young munchkins and I was wondering if you might find some books on illness they can relate too. If you have not explained anything to them they will be more worried than if they knew something was wrong. They probably already feel it but don’t understand and that makes it more scary for them. Just a kindly suggestion. My goodness I have not even had Grandchildren that young for years! Yikes. Please let us know how he takes to his cocktail!


    My husband (38 symptom free with cc in liver and lymph nodes) starts Gem/Cis tomorrow. So excited to actually be doing SOMETHING! Praying so hard that his cancer will respond positively. It has been so tough because we have left our three babies (2,3 and 5) so much in the last 3 wks because of dr visits here in Atlanta and at MD Anderson. My 3 yr old Piper is having a hard time. Crazy how our life change over night. I know you all relate. Love the CC family already. So great to have support.


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