Anyone have side effects from Lorazepam?

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    Thank you so very much Percy, Lisa, Pam and Marion.
    I think the loss of our Dad one month, among so many things this past 9 months is bringing on her depression. Though i was Dads caregiver, she felt disconnected, being a couple hours away. it especially hurt that she (nor any of my 5 sibs) made it in time to say goodbye to Dad…it happened fast). She has tried so hard to stay positive and upbeat but can’t help feeling very very down this week. It may also be that she was recently given a poor prognosis that shocked her (“less than 2 years”), is trying to raise a child and deal with the spread of the CC. Also, we all have waves of seemingly delayed grief over nearly losing our eldest sister to a brain aneurism last Aug (…she’s doing very well now and back to work after 2 surgeries). When my sisters are struggling with such grave matters, I struggle. Its hard to be joyous and light-hearted about anything and I feel guilty for having life so good. Our emotions are all over the place! on the bright side, We’re celebrating my eldest daughter’s high school graduation and youngest daughter’s promotion to high school next week. My eldest is off to college in July and we will miss her so much! Joy and sadness!


    At times, I will take lorazepam by mouth to help me to sleep without any problems. Most of the time, Ativan is prescribed on an as needed basis .
    I am also on Xeloda for almost 18 months now without any significant problems except may be fatigue once a while.(when it comes, you know right away it is from the Xeloda and nothing else. it is a different kind of tiredness. All I need to do is to sleep for 3-4 hours and will feel much better.)

    God bless.


    Turns out my sis really hasn’t taken Ativan regularly…only 2 pills recently, and for nausea, not anxiety (wonder if that’s another use for it?). I thought theyd give Zofran or compazine for home use as needed. Instead, the Dr thinks its the side effects from Xeloda. Side effects include the balance,. fog/poor concentration and memory, weepiness/depression and nausea plus fatigue.


    I have taken ativan as needed for two years with no side effects.
    Sorry I’m not much help


    No but she does have those too


    Willow….By collateral vessels do you mean “esophageal varices?”


    Hi Willow,

    Lauren has never had any problems with Lorazepam. I would think it might be the Xeloda. She has been through so much and with the loss of your father, might be experiencing some depression. I am sorry for your loss. I would talk to her doctor about the symptoms. Maybe she needs an antidepressant to help her along. I am praying for a miracle for her as well.



    Thanks, Marion. To answer your question: The last scan my sister had was in early April and it showed mets to lungs, omentum, abdominal aortic lymph nodes. The Y-90 radioembo (done in Jan) did shrink the big tumors that were targeted in the liver some but meanwhile the seed cells grew/spread. There is also a big tumor (it’s been there from the beginning but has grown) inside the main portal vein and has been growing up the left and right branches. Thankfully, my sister has had no complications from that… never had jaundice or needed a stent. Apparently, there are collateral blood vessels that have developed over time which are carrying blood to the liver around the blocked portal vein. She is understandably feeling down and seems to be having cumulative effects from the chemo (Xeloda). I continue to pray for a miracle.


    Willow….we have had several reports on Ativan and in some instances switching over to another drug was described. However, you are describing numerous symptoms and I thought to mention in regards to forgetfulness and/or confusion that the following link describes chemo-brain:
    My heart goes out to you, Willow and your dear sister for not only having to deal with this cancer but also mourning the passing of your dear Dad.
    I also was wondering as to when your sister had her latest scan?
    Hugs to you


    My sis has been on Ativan (Lorazepam) since last August, off and on. She’s also just finished 2nd cycle of Xeloda. Experiencing weepiness/depression, fatigue, nausea, and imbalance feeling of lack of coordination. Also forgetfulness and a little confusion (things don’t “register” very fast when telling her info.
    I looked up lorazepam (Ativan) and many of these can be side effects. Anyone have trouble with this med? Or is it the Xeloda? We just lost our Dad 1 month ago too.

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