referral to aintree hospital

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    Thanks Clare!


    Well said Gavin!



    I would phone Aintree this morning. first thing. Ask to speak with Dr Sturgess or his specialist nurse and tell them what is going on again and that your mum feels that she is getting the runaround over all of this. Also tell them about the pain your mum has in her stomach area and that her gp said that this referral to Aintree needs to be sorted now. And personally if it was me, I would also after doing that get on the phone with the the hospital that is doing the referral and go berserk at them if they have not done anything yet to get things moving. They have now had more than long enough to get this done. Let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes,



    Moonpie, I am wondering what would happen if you just showed up at Dr. Sturgess office? I thought this was to be settled last Friday!

    To you and Clare…..I use my spell Correct and still type errors! It’s not important if we have misspelled words, what is important is that we hear from you!


    lainy, I am getting really impatient, my mum is getting quite down feeling that they are not taking her seriously, mum went to the dr a few days ago with pain in her stomach and when the dr felt her stomach it was painful but the dr didn’t say anything but just said she really wants to get the appointment sorted asap. I will be on the phone again Friday morning and will want some answers then. im praying it gets sorted as i am worried about mums wellbeing and her mood is just getting lower and lower, she reall needs to be strong for this and feel that she has the full support of the medical team, it feels as though we have been cast adrift and feel that because mum has asked for this second opinion/further detailed tests, that they maybe see us as a troublemaker.


    Moonpie, I am hoping that they let her come in to Aintree on Friday or I would just take her there and tell them she is now in their hands. Don’t these people get it? That CC is not like other illnesses. Sorry I am not the most patient person in the world. I should get a job, of easing the way for patients to get things DONE! Here’s a cheer for Friday or sooner. How can I say hang in when I can’t even hang in! But try!


    hi gavin ,

    thanks for the link, it certainly sounds like a great team with great knowledge and a willing attitude to do whatever can be done in improving peoples quality of life.

    I spoke with the nurse specialist who works under the oncologist we saw on 17th june and she has rang the Aintree team and she has assured me that dr sturgess is very quick at accepting referrals and has asked me to ring her on Friday if we don’t hear anything, I guess all that hard work yesterday leaving messages for the oncology secretary, speaking with the GP and also with Aintree directly has helped get things moving, so I am praying hard that mum will get her appointment to go to Aintree very very soon and we can get some proper plans drawn up.


    Hi Moonpie,

    This will definitely be of interest to you and your parents.

    Any news on your mums referral yet?

    Best wishes,



    Well done Moonpie for making that call today.


    I also spoke to my mums gp who is very supportive and she said she will fire off some phonecalls tomorrow too, she is jumping up and down about this,

    basic communication is missing, hello from one hospital to another hospital checking receipt of referral is really all it should take and then they could have rectified the issue instead of letting it drag on like this.

    clarem, don’t worry about your spelling, mine is dreadful, I sometimes reply on my smart phone and I have the same issue hitting the wrong keys!


    Sorry Moonpie for the spelling error in your name and my grammar in the last post. I don’t like replying on the ipad as I make more mistakes.


    Hi Moompie,

    That is very frustrating to say the least. Personally, I would contact the secretary again tomorrow for an update. I would also asking the doctor that made the referral to follow it up so that there are no more delays down to missing referrals.


    hello all, as some of you know ;mum wanted to get further detailed tests done at Aintree hospital and the oncologist agreed with this, we saw him on the 17th june, he agreed to refer on immediately,

    I started getting a bit worried on Friday that we have heard nothing so I rang through to Aintree and the secretary to the doctor said that she has not received any paperwork or any phonecalls so I got my dad to fax her the referral letter that was sent to them on the 20th as we requested a copy of the letter. I then spoke with the nurse specialist who works alongside the oncologist and she said that the letter was sent to them on the 20th june but didn’t follow it up with a phonecall.

    So the secretary at Aintree asked me to fax the referral letter that came to my dads house, so I got him to do that and she said she would try her best to get things sorted her endm

    Just feeling a bit frustrated and let down that lack of communication and monitoring has led to this delay

    just worried as the weeks go on, things could be progressing and making it harder to manage and deal with.

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