Update on Mom

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    Hi Kim,

    Great news about your Mom! I too had a Whipple 12/2009 with clear margins and no lymph node involvement. I had 6 months of adjuvant chemo that ended in July 2010. I had my port removed in September 2010. I did not want to have a visual reminder of what I had been thru. I guess I just thought that they could place another port if it was necessary.

    I had scans every 3 months until this last scan (at my 3 year 8 month mark) and just today the oncologist told me I could go on yearly scans and he considers me ‘cured’. I am a little skeptical, but I will take the good news and just continue to be in tune with my body.

    Your mother’s situation sounds very similar to mine and I hope she continues doing well.

    Feel free to email me if you have any questions: randi.barrell@gmail.com

    Please keep us updated!


    From previous post, “he did not have follow up Chemo after the surgery because he had clean margins and at that time they were not doing the follow up chemo much.”

    Yes, your Mom is lucky that the consensus today seems to be that even with clean margins to do the Chemo. I believe our Randi had clean margins and did the chemo and today she has been declared Cancer Free!

    Mom should do very well and we look forward to only good news!


    THANK you both for such kind words!!

    Lainy – My mom had clean margins as well, ,but the onc highly suggested the chemo. It was her choice and she decided to go ahead and take it (emory hospital in Atlanta). Maybe the treatment options have changed over the years?

    Gavin – they are going to do scans every 3 months for 2 years. SO hopefully if the beast returns they will catch it quickly!!!


    Hi Kim,

    That’s great news about your mum, thanks very much for sharing that with us all! So love hearing no sign of cancer at this time!! My dad never had chemo or surgery so I nave no personal experiences to share on these points but others have and will no doubt share their experiences with you as soon as possible. Did the onc say anything about future scans? Thanks again for sharing your good news and looking forward to hearing more good news from you in the future!

    My best to you and your mum,



    Hi Kim and a big YIPEE for your Mom, great news. My Teddy had the Whipple and the little monster reared it’s ugly head 3 years later where the Duodenum used to be. Now, he did not have follow up Chemo after the surgery because he had clean margins and at that time they were not doing the follow up chemo much. I can’t help with the port questions but I do know we have quite a few Members who do leave it in. Still your news is the bestest!


    Good Evening –

    I thought I’d share a bit of good news.

    Just some quick history – my mom had the Whipple procedure on October 31st, 2012. It was rough, but she came through it.

    In February she started 6 months of Chemo (gemcitabine). Just finished up in July.

    She had PET/CT last week. Results show no signs of any cancer at this time. They are going to monitor her every 3 months for 2 years. She also has to keep her port in, just in case the cancer returns, they can start treatment immediately.

    I have not gotten through the site yet – does anyone have any experience with this? I know CC is very aggressive. Is it best to keep the port in? Has anyone had it resurface as fast as 3 months?

    Thanks for listening!


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