What to expect when cancer spreads to lungs

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion What to expect when cancer spreads to lungs

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    My husband was diagnosed in March of this year.

    Main liver tumor, a few local lymph nodes involved and a few small
    tumors in the lungs.

    He has been on Gem/Cis chemo ever since and feels (actually)
    great. (shockingly, i guess).

    Has she had any chemo? Is she still doing chemo?

    I don’t know this cancer any other way than Stage 4 with
    distant mets.

    Before Kyle started chemo he felt rotten ….
    His cancer has had considerable “shrinkage” in main liver tumor
    (75% or something like that) and the other places have
    remained stable….

    He still works full time, and at the moment is living a very normal

    Not sure if that helped answer your question or not.

    It seems to me that this *(#& cancer reacts VERY differently
    in every.single.person that has it.

    Dorien :)


    Patty….please know that everything posted here has to be validated by a physician. This cancer, if given enough time, can travel to the lungs. In the majority of cases though, it is left alone unless of course the pain cannot be controlled. From what we have seen though on this site, I would not expect that to happen with your dear mother in-law. Good to know that Hospice is involved. Things may just continue to stay as is, she may not eat much and the weakness may increase. Does your mother in-law have any other symptoms?
    She is so fortunate to have you by her side.


    My mother in law was diagnosed last June, and her tumor is not resectable. This week she had chest pain and the scan showed four small tumors on her lungs. She has started hospice care now and I am just curious what to expect from here. She is living with us and seems to be doing ok. Weak and not much of an appetite, but I am curious what to expect from here?

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