Update on mum

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    Hi Kris, thanks for your message. I have read a few of your posts whilst lurking on these boards and your story has brought my mum and I a lot of hope right from the word go, so it’s lovely to hear from you. I’m hopeful that my mum will be doing as well as you, in a few years down the line. I’ll keep you all updated as to how she gets on!


    Good luck to your mother. I agree, negativity does not belong in our lives, nor do we need to deal with an onc who is negative!
    I was hopeful for surgery, and went through chemo, but had Gem/Ox. Then I missed my window of opportunity due to illness and mets, and am no longer a surgical candidate. But I am on a trial drug, and get out singing, dancing and playing poker all the time! Now if I could only find a part time job! Lol
    I share my story to everyone who is not operable or is questionable, to let you know there is HOPE!


    Mmm, Jules, agree, agree about the ONC. Not the attitude we want or need.
    Perhaps Mum would feel more secure with someone she felt was fighting with and for her. Best of luck on her Chemo!


    Hi Lainy, thanks, yes we’re staying positive and hopeful that the chemo will kill off the little tumours. Mum is eating well, feeling well, and generally looks like the picture of health, so we’re hoping that she will tolerate the chemo well. Her chemo starts next Weds. Two weeks on, one week off.

    She saw her oncologist yesterday, who is unfortunately very negative about the whole thing – we are thinking about asking to see someone else, as I think that positivity and fight goes a long long way. My mum’s tumour markers and bloods are all still within the normal range, and the Onc said that this is quite unusual at this stage of disease – my mum the wonder woman :)


    Jules, it’s not a horrible report! Where there is a plan and treatment that has worked for others why can’t it work for Mum? Do you have a start date yet? I would imagine she is nervous we all are like that when starting something new, especially Chem. Gem/Cis still seems to be the popular cocktail of choice. Wishing you and Mum the best and I know you will keep us in the loop. Be Strong.


    I just thought i’d write an update on my mum, to let you all know how she’s getting on. She has recently been diagnosed with stage IV ICC, and we’ve just found out that thankfully the cancer is contained within the liver at the moment. As I understand, she has one large tumour and lots of very small satellite tumours throughout the liver.

    The tumour has been deemed inoperable at present, due to there not being enough healthy liver tissue to perform the op. However, the surgeon would like her to try three months of Gem/Cis and then review her case for surgery – fingers crossed. He said that if we can ‘clean up’ the smaller satellites then it is possible that he will be able to remove 75% of her liver. I see on this sight that surgery has sometimes becomes an option after chemo, so we can only hope that this is the case with mum. Mum is very scared about starting chemo, largely due to the side effects, but I also see that some people experience few few side effects on this regime?

    This journey has been made so much easier for all of us because of this site and i’m so grateful that you’re all here. My mum feels supported by the fact that there is so much knowledge and support here. Despite everything, we are remaining positive and keeping our hopes up that mum will be able to have the surgery.


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