possible pancreatic cancer instead of cc

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    And see Lainy I never knew they did Whipple for bile duct cancer, I thought it was only for Pancreatic cancer….we all learn something new….Mark had the Roux-en-y which is similar to the whipple but doesn’t involve the pancreas. We all learn new things.


    Marion, wow, you can teach an old dog new tricks. I never knew they did a Whipple for Pancreatic Cancer. Makes sense now.


    mphung….great to hear that things are moving along niceley. Pancreatic cancer occurs at a rate of 40 thousand people (US) as compared to 5 to 6 thousand people with Cholangiocarcinoma (US.) Whipple procedure is the same for both cancers. It entails removal of the lower part of the bile duct, the gallbladder, the head of the pancreas, part of the small bowel (duodenum), and re-connecting the pancreas to the stomach and the bowel to the pancreas and stomach.
    We try to not focus too much on the survival statistics as each and every person presents with his/her response. Additionally, it takes many years to compile the statistical data hence, given the additional knowledge and research for this cancer, it is not up to date currently.

    I am thrilled to see that your Mom is fairing rather well. I wish for all good things to continue.



    Hi Lainy,

    Thanks for your response. Not sure if my research is correct but the 5 year survival stats for pc even in stage 1 is 14% while for CC is about 40%.

    My mom is actually healing really well. She only lost about 5 pounds from the surgery and her appetite is slowly coming back. As you mention before that Teddy was a chocoholic but after the surgery he couldn’t stand chocolate. Same thing happen to my mom, she use to love chinese food and now she can’t stand it.

    I hate this waiting game, over a month and still no pathology report!


    Dear Mphung, Wow, what a discovery. From what I understand Pancreatic Cancer is no longer worse than CC, how did we get so lucky? There is no way for any of us to say what is going on as it is the Surgeon who actually saw what was inside. I hope you get an answer soon so treatment can begin. I also hope your Mom is healing well from the Whipple. Be strong.


    Hi everyone,

    About a month ago my mom had the whipple surgery to remove a tumor. Initially the oncologist diagnosed her with CC after doing multiple test such as ERCP, biopsy, and mrcp. About a few days ago we were hoping to get the pathology report but we were told that their is a delay. The surgeon then explain to us that from what he seen in the OR he believes that tumor is from the pancreas. After doing some research, I found that the prognosis for pc is worst than CC. My question is, do you think the surgeon is right. Has this happen to someone on this board?

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