Update and whats my wife trying..

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    Hi all.. been little while… My wife Joe just finished her 2 cycles of Xeloda+oxaliplatin. there wont be 3 cycles as the Dr feels she got enough and don’t have any data to back up the 3rd shot will do better than just 2. (plus my wife been crying about don’t want the 3rd shot) so this is it and hope she don’t need to do it again ever!!!

    going to do the blood test tomorrow and Pets in Nov. (hope for the best)

    during her treatment, I somehow I don’t feel she’s that sick and cannot handle the treatment, she didn’t have weight loss.. nausea, vomiting… she only complain fatigue and the stomach pain due to that RT.

    She tried some Chinese medicine (from the Dr. whos oncologist and licensed Chinese Dr.) with her 1st cycle and that’s really made her feel better… my mom didn’t notice shes doing chemo at that time. but somehow the AST ALT ad GGT went up 1.5times compare to the one before this treatment so we decided to stop the Chinese med for 2nd cycle.

    Thinking she might keep trying the Chinese Med later on. coz she feel that’s helps on her breathing, more energy, and her face not as pale.

    in mean while for sure there are lots and lots of information about whats good and whats bad to eat and do….. and we pick out couple to try out…

    1. Asparagus. suppose they said cook it and blend it then have 4 soup spoon day and night. but we only have it steam cook and eat it as its every other day.

    2. Raw potato Juice. I even brought a new slow turn juicer for that. We put 1 apple with 2 medium size potato it juice out around 250ml it actually taste good, shes having it every morning before breakfast. she felt her digest better with easy poo poo everyday now.

    3. Alkaline Water. got someone tying to sell me a 3.5K USD water filter system but somehow I found this Panasonic water filter system (500USD) can do the same job so I brought one to try out.

    feel free to give me comments and ask me questions.

    Got a friend who got colorectal cancer but cannot resection, he then got a Japanese Dr. telling him to try that Tian Xian Liquid which Lucian had mention here be4. anyone knows whats that and is that work for all cancer?? I know they selling in HK but seems like they just selling it at local drug store and those promoter sure say that’s the best for cancer and u don’t need to do any chemo or RT just use that u will be cure…..

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