Cancer Centers of America

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    Thank all for the advice and support. So Far I have an appt scheduled up in Seattle first week in December.. As far as CTCA I got the feeling it had more to do with the money than the actual care of the patient. So I think I am going to pass on traveling to Chicago. :)


    Interesting that my opinion is different than others regarding CTCA. Back in 2011, when I was first diagnosed, I went to CTCA near Philadelphia for one of my opinions. For personal reasons I decided not to be treated there. But they can up with the same diagnosis as my other two opinions. They were kind and caring and worked the schedule to my needs for all the testing and doctor visits.

    As for insurance, I have Aetna and they paid for most of the cost at CTCA, as they did for my other two opinions. I guess it depends on the plan you have with Aetna as to what they pay. My out of pocket, at CTCA, was a little over $300 which I paid. CTCA told me if I had issues paying my out of pocket they could assist me financially.



    Also I would like to put my two cents in….from Portland to Seattle is not that far and we have had wonderful care at Virginia Mason in Seattle. Great surgeon there and great oncologist. We could not have asked for better care. They have been on top of everything and so far everything has gone well.

    And I guess I am with everyone else, I have not heard great things about CTCA and since CC is such a rare cancer I would be very reluctant to go somewhere where they hadn’t seen a lot of them.



    I too am glad you are no longer considering CTCA. I held back at first, but now that Kris put it out there. I too know of no one here who has gone there and have not heard anything good about them. They are for profit and I have been told from people who have checked them out that they don’t take anyone whose insurance doesn’t cover or can’t afford to pay. They also like to take cases that will make their statistics look good. I do not know any of this from personal experience, but from others who have.

    You are in good hands with our dear Lainy. :) I do hope you two can get together. Since your brother lives near by and the hospitals and doctors in that area are highly recommended I’m thinking it is a good choice.

    Take care and best of luck to you on your journey.

    Love & Hugs,


    Porter, if you don’t mind I want to tell all that it is important to you that you come here as your brother is here. I don’t want them thinking I twisted your arm! So, we took our research to email as I am sure it is getting boring to others. We will let you know if Porter comes here. I got to meet Kris and now maybe Porter I’m excited.


    I am trying to find some but i am finding their sites confusing :)


    Well, my love is Banner Desert, that is where Teddy went for everything and me too. BUT we have to find you an ONC here. I just switched to a YOUNG gal, a Dr.Lau who is 36 and graduated from Duke U of Med. She told me that she has a young woman she is now treating for CC. Not sure she is ready for you. Ha, Ha Guess I would do Banner MDA and if you like them and you have to have anything down the road you can still do it at Banner Desert. I know they have to get your records then the records go before a Board who decide which ONC you see. I know I got in, in 2 weeks. IF you want to do Banner Desert, we can search for the ONCS that go there.


    Banner desert or Banner MD?


    Porter I have not heard anything about the U of A Cancer Center except they broke ground in Feb for a new facility connected to St. Joseph Hospital which was one of the Hospitals I mentioned as tops. St. Joseph is where T had his Cyber Knife. Sorry, I was under the impression that Cashman and Koep treat patients with CC where surgery was not involved. My bad. I have been searching for the Cancer Center at St Joseph’s and can’t find the ONCS listed.
    Unfortunately our other ONC retired and he was fabulous. My only suggestion would be the Hospital Marion suggested in Seattle if you don’t want to go far or Banner MDA here. Since it’s for a 2nd opinion and nothing is to be done if you don’t like it you don’t have to go back. That’s all I can think of in these parts. Oh, what about UCLA?


    Lainy are you familiar with U OF A cancer center? If so what do you think/know? So far I have an appointment with Seattle in December and the the transplant team you referred is not something I am looking into quite yet as I have been deemed in operable. I am looking for second opinions as far as my diagnosis, other treatment strategies, and possible surgery in future if we can continue to get this sucker to shrink :)


    I think they changed your mind, but just let me chime in about CTCA. I know AETNA does not recognize them. So if you did decide to consult with them, please make sure your insurance covers them. This goes for wherever you go.
    Personally, I am glad it sounds like you are going elsewhere, as I have heard very little good about CTCA.
    Good luck with getting your consult in Dec.!


    Hey Porter, bust of luck with the second opinion. I had 3. University of Pittsburgh, OHSU, and Mayo Rochester.
    I did tell my oncologist at OHSU that I was seeking another opinion and they were fine with it. So, just in case you were curious, it’s not something you need to hide.
    Keep us posted and glad to hear your tumor shrunk!

    Take care,



    pfox….please make sure to ask the number 1 question: how many patients with this disease have you treated? Wishing and hoping for everything to work our for you.


    HaHa. Well I will be shooting for anytime between Dec 2nd thru Dec6th. I have chemo off that week so i am going to keep my fingers crossed I can be seen! :


    The good part is both are great so you can pick the one who can see you the soonest. I will be waiting with baited breath. Oh, wait, that’s how I breath anyway! JK

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