Peripheral neuropathy vs. gout….???

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    Is it more or less like a muscle cramp than pain ?
    If he is on Coumadin for DVT and if the INR is between 2-3, then I do not think the pain is related to DVT especially the scan is clear last week.
    If it is like a muscle cramp, then he just stand up straight until the cramp disappear. It is relate to electrolytes imbalance esp. Magnesium.
    Just google muscle cramp and there will be some exercise he can do before going to bed to minimize the problem.
    God bless.


    Peg….I too would call the physician first thing in the morning. Please keep us posted.


    Neuropathy is more constant, at least in my case. I did have spiky pains, but the tingling and numbness was already present before the sharp pains started, if I remember right. And usually I had pain while walking or dancing. But night time was tough, because the tingling/numbness never stops.
    Do you know what his potassium levels are? I get severe pains and cramps when mine is low, so I eat a banana almost every day, plus an additional potassium pill a few times a week.
    I would call the oncs office tomorrow to ask about their thoughts.


    Peg – My husband is just over halfway through his Gem/Oxaliplatin treatment. I know they were more worried about the Ox causing neuropathy than they were the Gem. I think neuropathy can be a side effect ofany chemo so it’s possible. The more sudden nature has me thinking it may be something else though. It’s good he is going to the doctor to have it checked out. They can draw blood to check for the gout and they they can do x-rays to make sure there’s nothing wrong with it. Neuropathy is more often described as a burning, tingling, pins and needles kind of pain where as gout is more often described as a throbbing toothache kind of pain – although every one differs in their description.
    I would suggest resting it as much as possible along with elevation. You could try heat or cold on it to see if either one of those help. Unfortunately with the Coumadin he shouldn’t take any anti-inflammatories such as Advil or Aleve.
    Good luck with this and keep us posted.



    Just a question,my father is s/p Whipple in April and just finished his 12 week chemo regimen with gemcitabine for his cc dx in february2013. He had his first post tx scan last week and that is clear/ NED. He has been on Coumadin for a DVT in his left leg for 4 weeks but recently has developed a severe pain in his left foot that wakes him from sound sleep. My first thought was peripheral neuropathy from the Gem. But with its acuteness I was wondering about gout??? He has never had gout before. He does have a Drs visit this week but does anyone have any info regarding either condition and its correlation with cc and or gemcitibine treatments? I would appreciate any and all info, Thanks, Peg

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