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    Hi Fouad,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I’m sorry to hear about your dad. But glad that you have joined us here as you’re in the right place for support and help and you’ll get loads of each from everyone here. My dad went through hospice care here in the UK as well and they took real good care of him, got nothing but good things to say about the care that he got throughout his time in hospice.

    Lactulose worked well for my dad and he took it twice a day, morning and night and I so hope that it works for your dad too. He tried Movicol as well bu that didn’t really work at all so stuck with the Lactulose. He also enjoyed eating prunes and these can help as well with constipation. Does your dad like prunes?

    Here’s a link that may be of interest to you –

    Keep coming back here Fouad, we are here for you and please let us know how things go with your dad.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    Fouad –
    The pain from constipation can be pretty uncomfortable so getting that taken care of would be the best.
    There are several things that may help. Lactulose certainly would and it can be given at varying doses to help….more if needed.
    You could also try Stool Softeners something like Docusate Sodium which helps make it easier to pass and then Senokot which is a natural fiber laxative and can be given twice a day to help (up to 8 tablets a day – 4 tablets twice a day).
    Sometimes even prune juice heated up a little can help and you can do a “Brown Cow” which is prune juice with milk of magnesia in it….works pretty well.

    Talk to your hospice/palliative care people and they should have suggestions too.

    Good luck with this.



    Dear Fouad, if your Dad is in Hospice then I take it they are now not doing much but palliative care, which would mean keeping him comfortable. I will send the 10 Signs that the end is near. If there is still treatment to give you might want to let us know more about his situation. Be strong, hang in there
    and the most important thing is that he is comfortable.


    Hello everyone.
    My dad was diagnosed with CC in Dec, 2012.
    And I’ve been checking this site lately to see what is working best in terms of hospice care.

    Still my first request goes to Lainy, I really appreciate if you can send me the list of things to expect.

    My dad’s main issue is constipation (and mostly the pain related to it) from what I am noticing.
    For that he’s taking bisacodyl, but after reading several posts I will see with hospice if lactulose is a better option. Maybe take an ammonia level test as well.

    Thank you for accepting me in the family.


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