Good News for my husband Charlie

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Good News for my husband Charlie

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  • #18126

    wouldn’t it be nice….make a wish….good news will arrive.
    I will keep trying anyway.


    Richard, don’t feel too bad. One of the biggest games of the season and Charlie can’t watch it either. It’s only on the NFL Network. I’m glad you got some better news about your Dad!



    Thanks Marions. I can’t help but think that your good wishes helped do the trick. We got some better news right after I submitted my last posting.


    Please, tell your Dad that many good wishes are coming his way, again.


    so good to hear about Charlie. The recovery can be lengthy and difficult. I made sure to focus on every improvement, even if minor, on a daily basis. Peter had his experience with this, also.
    Post-surgery radiation would be of interest to me also. Hopefully, we can all shed some light on this.
    Hoping for each day to be a better one for Charlie.



    That is such great news! It makes me feel better to hear, especially since my dad is going through a tough time right now, and i’m actually typing this at the hospital, sitting next to his bed. Thanks for the prayers.

    Tell Charlie I’ll be rooting on our Cowboys tonight even though I won’t be able to watch the game.



    Charlie and I went to UNC Hospital on Wed. for appointment with his oncologist after left lobectomy 3 weeks ago. He is doing well, although I had been worried about his energy, his color, really everything. Dr. Sanoff reassured us or me that was normal after the surgery. He will improve. It may take 6 months or longer for him to return to feeling like he did before he got sick. She wants him to come back every 3 months for an MRI. As of now, she thinks he has no cancer that anyone is aware of. That being said, we talked about the line between reality and hope. We can’t just sit around waiting for the cancer to pop up again as I’m sure so many people here have learned. He is still very tired, but we’re so thankful he’s passed his 6 month mark they gave him to start with and he’ll be with us longer. We’ll be meeting with Dr. Blackstock at Baptist here in W-S who she recommended to get more information about radiation treatment. She said Charlie’s margins were clear after surgery, which was very good. There’s not enough data available for her to say she would recommend radiation after surgery or not. If Charlie does have radiation, he can get it done closer to home as it will be every day for a while. Again, we’ll have to find out as much as we can and try to make the decision that will work for him. Please share your thoughts on radiation after surgery if anyone can.

    I listened to Kris and copied this from another post to put under Good News. Our family and Charlie have been truly blessed. I pray every day for everyone on this site.


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