Best doctor for an ERCP in London

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Best doctor for an ERCP in London

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    Peggy, you have email.


    Yes! Thank you, Helen and Gavin! I’ll pass the information on to my brother.


    A big, huge thanks to you, Gavin and Helen.


    Hi Peggy,

    I got in touch with Helen and she said the Royal Free in London would be able to help your brother out here with a stent change. Will here back later about a person to contact and details etc and will post them here for you, could be early next week though.

    Here’s a link to the Royal Free for you –

    Best wishes,



    Hi Peggy,

    I’ll find out for you and get back to you as soon as I can.

    Best wishes,



    Peggy….Helen’s Cholangiocarcinoma website has great information including, hospitals treating our patients.
    I am sure that our UK members will also help you out, as soon as they see this postings.
    Wishing you and your brother an eventful Christmas, minus the ERCP interruption. The stents may occlude within the suggested time span however; it is an estimation only. It is likely for your brother not to experience an problems at all. In any event, he might want to take his temperature daily, same time, in order to catch any brewing infection early on.


    Hi Peggy, how fantastic that he can make a big trip like that. I would also suggest that he take the names and numbers of some of our family there.
    Wow, more power to him and Safe Travel! I am sure you will soon be hearing from the UK!


    Hi, I have sort of an odd request. My brother was diagnosed in May with stage IV CC. He has had 4 ERCPs done. In August, he had two metal stents placed that were “supposed” to last for 9 months. In mid-October, they failed and the doctors at Mayo cleaned them out and put two plastic stents inside of the metal stents and said, “see you in 2 months”. They are still doing fine and his oncologist has said that it doesn’t make sense to do another ERCP until they fail. But, he is planning on traveling to the UK to visit his son and family in London for Christmas. Obviously, everyone is a little nervous about having him go on the trip, but his oncologist has told him to go and if he runs into trouble, he can always find someone in London to do an ERCP on him. The timing of his trip, of course, falls right at the time when he expects that his stents MIGHT fail.

    I think that rather than wait until he runs into trouble, it would be best if he had the name of a doctor or doctors who are very experienced with CC and with this procedure as once the stents fail, he gets very sick very quickly. Does anyone have recommendations? (I know that there are some members who are from that area, so I’m hoping that you’ll have some advice.) Also, is it difficult for a foreigner to get medical treatment like that ? (I’m assuming that his US medical insurance covers him abroad.)


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