Ca19-9 going up

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    Daisy….About 10% of the Caucasian population the CA 19-9 do not have a particular protein (Lewis antigen) Even those with large tumors don’t see a rise in the CA 19-9.


    My mom’s tumor markers were never high….even when she was newly diagnosed with a 7cm tumor…I see many post about the markers being good or bad but I am wondering how accurate they could be??


    Jane….tumor markers on it’s own are of little value rather, it is the up or down trend that physicians will watch closely. Infections, for example, can cause these markers to rise also. Assuming that the markers rise again, then physicians will look for other ways of detecting possible tumor growths and may recommend: interventional radiation, systemic chemotherapy, or a clinical trial. Fingers are crossed for the upcoming blood test to reveal nothing out of the ordinary.


    It is my experience and that of most of the members that CA19-9 used used as a loose basis.
    My onc pays little attention to the numbers. The fact that it is up to 67 from 25 is something to be noted. If the scan was clear, I would say either your team will schedule a PET scan or rescan in 8 weeks. If they don’t mention a PET, you should ask. Depending on insurance, you may be able to get one with no problems. If you have AETNA or any similar (backwards) insurance, you may have to fight for it.
    Ask your onc what he/she thinks.


    Hi, My husband is 2 months post radiation and xeloda. He had surgery and Gemzar before that starting in February 2013. He just had a scan that did not indicate any metastatic growth but his Ca19-9 was up to 67. Right after his surgery, his Ca19-9 was 125. After the Gemzar, it was 25. We have an appointment to redo the bloodwork in a two weeks. Assuming the reading was accurate, what are your expectations of the possible reactions to this elevation? Will they start chemo again? Which drug might they use? What might be the duration? Is there the possibility that they wait till the scan shows something positive before they start treatment? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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