Coffee and Cigarettes May Protect Against Liver Disease

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    As someone who lives with, sees on a daily basis and has spent the best part of a decade taking care of the the effects that 40 years of smoking DEFINITELY causes to someone my advice would be simple, no matter what the results of ANY study say, don’t do it!! Even IF smoking had ANY positive effects on anything else, the MASSIVE negatives outweigh any possible positives that some small study MAY show.

    Smoking WILL ruin so much more of your health in a ton of ways, it WILL cost you a fortune financially over all of the years that you smoke, your lung function of 20-30% in later years of your life leaving you extremely immobile and living on an oxygen machine for 15 hours a day really is a lot of fun…… And of course, a lifetime’s smoking WILL have an effect on your family that could have been avoided.

    Sorry for the shouting, but I know and see the REAL effects that smoking certainly DOES and not MAY cause!

    Hugs to all,



    The most ridiculous study I have ever heard. The coffee is ok, but smoking?? It might help with PSC, but then there is lung cancer, emphysema, etc.


    Susie, OY! I don’t smoke or drink but I know how it feels to kiss an ash tray. When I was married to Brand X!


    I’ve been told I don’t have PSC. One thing I have always been baffled by is I am the only non-smoker in my family and the only one who has cancer. Sometimes I wish I would have smoked.

    Take care,


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