Hello. Mom newly diagnosed

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Hello. Mom newly diagnosed

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    Thanks, Meghan. And please let us know when you can how Mom is getting along, I hope she is getting a little strength back.


    I’m sorry for the delay in answering where my mom is being treated. I live in CA, but am from PA. She is being treated near Pittsburgh by doctors from the Hillman Cancer Center in Pittsburgh. Thank you for all the great info you provided!



    Dear Mabsmith
    Glad you found us too but like you wish you hadn’t had the need to. This can be such a roller coaster ride for everyone involved and you will be glad just like I was that you found us.
    Her health before I am sure will help her get through this. Protein is so very important for a variety of reasons but the biggest being that it helps with healing and recovery. Carnation Instant Breakfast is great. Things like Ensure or Glucerna can help (some don’t like it though). Whey Protein powders can be mixed into milk shakes.
    I would say getting her up and moving will be a slow process but you should be able to make gains. Set up small daily goals….ie today walk 20 ft three times and then slowly increase as she feels stronger (you can start where ever you need to, less or more). Sometimes a cane or walker can help with balance issues. You may ask for a Physical therapy referral too….either going out to a therapy clinic or home therapy….just ask.

    Good luck and don’t forget we are here for any and all questions.



    Hi Mabsmith,

    Also want to welcome you. Glad you found us, but sorry that you had a reason to. Hoping all goes will with your mom’s chemo and surgery. Please let us know how she is doing.



    Dear MABSMITH, we are sorry also that you had to find us but a warm welcome to you and your Mom. Yes, it is a real bummer to say the least when hearing the DX CC. But more and more we are seeing people getting chemo then surgery and it seems to work well. Surgery is one of our favorite words. Honestly once treatment begins your fright will turn to fight, it truly does. And now you have all of us as extended family. May I ask where in Cali you are from and where Mom is being treated. Just a suggestion on the nutrient part which may give her some energy. The nutrient drinks work very well as they are loaded with everything one needs. My husband loved the Carnation instant breakfast (Vanilla) and I would blend in a banana but you can blend in any fruit. This can take the place of a meal or drink with a meal. You will find that Mom may loose her appetite, in that case let her graze on bits and pieces throughout the day. Comfort foods work good, like soups, jello, noodles etc. Wishing Mom the best on her Chemo and you are not alone, we are all here for you!


    Hi! I’m happy that I found you all but also really mad that I had to. My mom was diagnosed last month with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. She was very healthy until Halloween. She went to the dentist that morning, completely fine and when she left she had a horrible fever and has been bed ridden ever since. At first the doctors kept saying she had a virus and to rest, drink liquids, blah, blah, blah. After many tests they finally came up with her diagnosis.

    When her doctor told her the news, he said, I have good news and bad news. If course the bad news was the cancer and the good news was that he’s optimistic that she’ll have 3 months of chemo and then surgery to remove the tumor.

    So, thank God they found it and got her right into treatment. The bad news for right now is that she is very weak from being bed ridden, her lungs have diminished in size because of lack of movement. I’m just really, really scared and worried about her. She is 74 and, like I said, was healthy up until this point. I’m just praying that her previous good health is going to help her to get stronger and defeat this monster! Thank you for listening to my story.

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