Important medical Directives at any stage of life

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Important medical Directives at any stage of life

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    Thank you for this Marion. I just wanted to add that I agree that all these are important to set up no matter what age or really what circumstance. As my family reminded me when I went ahead and completed all these steps was realistically anything could happen to any of us at any given time. I’m not going to lie ….I felt almost too young at 34 having to do do all this and iy was a very difficult process to go through having to sit and listen and sign and talk about all the what its. But I have so much relief and comfort now knowing its all set in place and done!


    great resources, Kris.


    Wonderful, Marion.

    No matter what age you are, at least the first two should be done so that your wishes are followed. There is also a booklet called “Five Wishes. ” It has the Power of Attorney and Living Will paperwork in it. It also has questions about how you want your end of life to be from pain management to how you want your family involved. It’s a really good booklet. It is accepted and recognized in 42 states now.

    Here is the link to the website about it:

    If you wish to get it for free look on your states website or contact your local hospice. Our oncologist’s office has it too.

    Here is a link to look at a sample of it.



    Health Care Proxy – Durable Power of Attorney
    A person you trust to act on your behalf to make health care decision

    Living Will
    Sets in place specifies which medical treatments you want or don’t want when no longer able to make decisions

    Advance Directive
    A document that describes your wishes

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