my father has a klatskin tumor

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    Dear Classic thank you so much for the update on your Dad. Please keep in mind that if he has plastic stents they need to be changed about every 2 – 3 months to keep them clear. Glad to read that he is doing so well. Wishing your Dad the very best.


    thank you all for your answers and the support. sorry for not replying so fast.

    while recovering at home my dad had a blackout – he woke up on the bathroom floor and didn’t remember falling down. the reason was one of the stents got clogged. stent had to be replaced and since then a good month passed. jaundince faded and he received his photodynamic therapy. at the moment he feels pretty good and is adjusting to his new after sunset lifestyle.


    Hi, I have a klatkskin tumor as well. Getting my bilirubin number down was the only relief I got and my itching was horrible. But, with the drains that was pretty fast and I haven’t had the itching since. My dr did prescribe something to help me sleep (otherwise, I was up all night scratching). That really helped until my bilirubin dropped enough that the itching went away.

    Best wishes to your dad and you for fighting this thing.



    Dear Classic –
    Welcome to our little family. Sorry you had to join us.

    I can’t really think of anything else to add to what has already been said. The only thing I might add would be liquid oral Benadryl, it does work a little faster than the pills and like the hydroxyzine it will make your father a little sleepy. Other that I think it was covered.

    Keep us posted and we will help anyway we can.



    I am so excited. I hope I do a good job!


    DEAREST LISA, CONGRATULATIONS! Girl, I am so happy to see you as a Moderator! I know you will be GREAAAAT! It is so rewarding!


    Lainy recommended the Sarna cream and it has been a blessing for the itchy skin. I have also taken Hydroxyzine to relieve itching, it does make you sleepy and have a dry mouth. Make sure his skin is well hydrated with a hypo allergenic lotion.


    Dear Classic, welcome to our elite club that we are sorry you had to join. BUT you have come to the right place. I have a great suggestion for the itching. When Teddy itched in the beginning our Pharmacist mentioned a cream called Sarna that you can get at CVS or Walgreens. It REALLY works. The other thing Teddy would do was to take a cool shower or put small ice bags on his arms and legs. That worked too. Wishing you the best of luck and the itching should clear once the Jaundice does. By the way a light shade of yellow will stay on the body for awhile. But still keep a close watch. The stents can become infected or clogged and the first sign is chills and fever. Best of luck to you and please keep us posted on his progress as we truly care.


    classic….welcome to our site. So sorry you had to find us. Our Gavin has first hand experience with Photodynamic Therapy. I am sure that he will respond to you as well.
    I don’t recall any person reporting on ginseng pharmacopuncture
    We have to remembers that this is a case study (one person only) and that it does not mean that this treatment may work for anyone else. We would need to see data of clinical research studies conducted on a small group of people (20 or less) for a Phase I study, 80 or 100 patients for a Phase II study, and in order to truly validate a particular treatment(s) we need to see results of Phase III studies conducted on hundreds of people.
    Where is your Dad being treated? At a cancer center? The sweating you are referring may very well be related to the tumor blocking the confluence of ducts. The itching is related to a high bilirubin count. Benadryl may help or other antihistamines and some creams may be equally as beneficial. We had one report of a physicians prescribing Rifampin for a patient not responding to any other anti-itch treatment. It worked. You need to speak with the doctor to make sure that uncomfortable and definitely painful situations are addressed.
    I am sure that others will chime in and share their thoughts as well.
    Please stay in touch – we care.


    hello everyone,

    last month my father was diagnosed with an inoperabel klatskin tumor (Cholangiocarcinoma Bismuth Typ IVb). He developed a Jaundince, since the bile could not flow out. After receiving several stents and antibiotics (to prevent sepsis) his condition got better and he was discharged from the hospital. Since a few days he is recovering at home. The Jaundince is getting less, but in the mornings he is sweating a lot and in the evenings he still gets very itchy. His attending doctor is recommending a photodynamic therapy. On the internet I found this… does anyone have experience with this:

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