Update on my dad!

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    Thank you, He was a wonderful man. I think one of the hardest things that my family dealt with was wanting him to hold on and stay with us longer- he tried but he was hurting and deep down he was stuggling with staying and going. Looking at the bright side is a great way to help him stay positive too. Oh, my Husband graduted in ’96……


    Hi Wendy,
    So, so sorry about your dad! I am doing all of those things, thankfully. I am glad that I have more days with him instead of him just being gone at the blink of an eye, but I doubt that it is a good trade off for him, having to suffer with this horrible disease. I try to look at the bright side. When did your husband graduate? I graduated in ’86 and lived here all my life until I got married. I will have to pull out all of my annuals. Thank you for the prayers!


    Hi, My father passed away at the young age of 56 in June 2007 from this HORRIBLE cancer. He was a wonderful man. All I can say is just be by his side. He will go through sad times and rough times, but you can’t forget all the good times you had with and will have with him. Listen as much as you can, hold on to his love and presence as much as possible. Focus on the positive moments, I know it’s hard to smile but just be thankful for everyday you have with him. You all are in my prayers! :)


    By the way, my husband is from Long Beach, MS……maybe you know him
    ??? Shawn Hale??


    Thank you Patrice,
    I am doing everything I can, but it is not easy to keep my spirits up either, but yes, I definitely put on that front when I am with him. He had a good day today. He even got out of the bed and sat in the chair for about an hour and that is the first time he has gotten out of bed in more than a week. I feel as if he ran a mile. Take care of yourself and Dave and thank you for the hugs!!!!!!!!!


    Hi Rita-I think just being there for your Dad and him knowing he has your support is the most you can do. Perhaps music or some other entertainment he likes? When my Dad was dying (not of cancer) he wanted to watch the old reruns of “the tonight show with Johnny Carson. I think it sounds as though you kind of have to let him handle things in the way that works best for him. I know I have a hard time being positive most of the time too. I put on a good front for Dave because he doesn’t want to talk about it, but it is difficult. I will keep you and your Dad close in my heart and send hugs to you. Patrice


    He had a CT yesterday because he is becoming jaundiced again and the liver enzymes are out of whack. The results are that the tumor in his common bile duct is growing around the stent and it has only been in place about 4 weeks. How fast does this stuff grow??? His bilirubin is climbing but no itching yet. He broke down yesterday and it was horrible to see him cry. I can’t seem to get his spirits up and he has basically given up and the Dr. is telling me (not him) that she thinks he only has 1-2 months left because of how fast this is progressing. They have him on the duragesic patch and dilauded for pain and his blood pressure is slowly going down. He was only diagnosed about 4 weeks ago so it’s like we are still in shock. I wish I knew how to make him feel better because he doesn’t have a postive attitude and I think it is making everything worse. Any suggestions????? Love and prayers to you all!!!!

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