Vitamin C injections

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    Agree with the chemo over vit c all the time but found it interesting that in this very small study that they got these results using chemo with vit c. Doesn’t really prove much to me as it was such a small study but who knows, maybe something could come from this from further research and trials etc.

    But as you say Kris, factor in the financial issues and lack or profit motive for big pharma and their not being able to protect vit c and that gets depressing…



    I like the thought that it would be used in conjunction with chemo and that they two may work together to make cancer fighting better. I think by itself it may not be as effective. There are plenty of drugs that are used together to potentiate the effects of one. Lots of doctors prescribe hydroxizine with pain medications to help with the nausea but it also makes that pain meds work better. And the reason why Aspirin, Advil and Aleve are not given with Coumadin, makes the Coumadin work better. There are lots of other ones too. I would love to see more research on it, especially since Vitamin C does not have any harmful potential or side effects.

    More research but that will be difficult when you factor in the financial piece.



    Hi Gavin. Personally I feel the jury is still out. As you may remember Robin (daughter) had a boyfriend DX with Lymphoma and he decided to go to a Natural Pathic Doc. He had Vitamin C IV for over a year and nothing else. The Lymphoma went in to remission for a year and returned with a vengeance and he then tried chemo to no avail and passed this last December at the age of 54. Just my opinion but I would do Chemo over Vitamin C until there is more proof but interesting article.


    Vitamin C treatments running alongside conventional cancer treatments is not exactly new but I found this interesting and maybe Vit C injections could be something for the future.

    Vitamin C keeps cancer at bay, US research suggests.

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