Hopeful new ca 19.9 levels

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Hopeful new ca 19.9 levels

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    ahotti….I too am thrilled to hear of the drastic drop in tumor markers. Congratulations. Most likely your Dad will continue his treatments with Gem/Cis for some time. And, we never know what comes next. Some have been able to undergo resection however; this is based on the location of the tumor i.e. invasion of blood vessels.
    Enjoy the great results, dear Anne and please keep us in the loop. We care.


    Hi, good to hear about the ca19 9 numbers. I am not sure what you mean by “what else do they offer?” During my chemo treatment I was on a downward trend as well. My onc often said that this was a good indicator when correlated specifically with treatment that things most likely were headed in a good direction. She always reminded me that the scans were the true indicator as far as knowing if treatment was working or not. So it sounds like you are off to a good start. Keep us posted and good luck on having positive scan results and let us know how it goes. :)


    I haven’t posted for a while about my Dad, we’ve had some ups and downs but so far things are looking good.

    He started his chemo (gem/ciplat) in early dec and has been on a 2 weeks on 1 off sched since. In dec his ca 19.9 levels were at 8600 and had dropped to 4500 by Jan 3. Today the dr called to say that his levels are down to 770!!!! In one month he went down over 3600 points!!!! Has anyone had this happen before?? If so what else did they offer?? I’m so excited and hopeful Right now. We go for imaging on feb 25 so maybe more good news to come out of that :)

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