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    Beth…thanks for joining our group. I too wish your Mom the best with the upcoming clinical trial. Please keep us posted – we care.


    Hi Beth and welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your mom and that her treatments appear to have stopped working. I must say what a fighter and inspiration she is as she has been fighting this since 2010 it looks like! I admire her strength and hope. I wish her much luck on the trial. Blessings to you and your family.


    Dear Beth welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to find us. I am happy you are with Dr. Zhu and that Mom is able to start the trial. Wishing her the best of luck. The best thing I can recommend for fatigue is B12 shots. My husband had gone once a month to the ONC and the B12 made a big difference for him. I would also try a nutritional drink. The nutritional drink is great as you can blend in fresh fruit. My Teddy’s favorite was Carnation Instant (Vanilla) and I would blend in a banana and this drink can be added to a meal or take the place of a meal. Good luck on the Trial and please keep us posted on your Mom’s progress!


    I’ve been a lurker on this board since August 2010 when my mom was first diagnosed with CC. She’s had three chemoembolizations and then was on systematic chemo until December. She had tolerated the treatments relatively well and has maintained a decent quality of life. Her biggest complaint is the fatigue. Recent CT and bone scans revealed the systematic chemo has stopped working so she just enrolled in the clinical trial at MGH using Cabozantinib. She starts later this week. I’m really hoping the Cabozantinib slows the progression and that she doesn’t have any terrible side effects. She’s been under the care of Dr. Zhu at MGH since diagnosis. Thank you for letting me join the group.


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