swelling below waist

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    Thanks to you all. He has to stay in bed until he goes to the doctors office Monday and he has a drain bag attached to where it leaks but they didn’t really do anything else at the ER per the surgeons instructions. I’m thinking from what I read on here that’s it’s his liver now. Guess we wait till Monday. Keep u posted. Much love and thanks, Judi


    Oh my. You two have had quite a day. Hope things have calmed down and he is doing better tonight. Please up date us as to how he is doing when you can.


    That link worked at first, but I just tried it now & it didn’t work for me either so I am going to try to copy and paste it in here for you. Hope some of the information is helpful.

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    2 Reply by wallsm1 Fri, 14 Oct 2011 17:49:44
    Re: Shock and augh! (31 replies, posted in General Discussion)Rob,

    I’m not sure that I’ve ever mentioned this on this borad, but I’m a nurse and I used to work on the liver tumor/transplant floor and then went to the transplant ICU. And, now ironically I have a liver tumor! Anyway, some of the patients would obviously get ascites if they have liver issues, but sometimes they would get edema in other parts of their body, commonly their legs but also their testicles. I don’t know if that is what is happening to you since it sounds like it’s only one side, but maybe a possibility?? Either way you should have someone look at it asap. If it is just swelling, then yes, washcloths under the testicles help. Best wishes!

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    3 Reply by ElaineW Thu, 13 Oct 2011 06:28:15
    Re: Shock and augh! (31 replies, posted in General Discussion)Hi! My husband had difficulty with testicle swelling from being in a hospital bed for long periods. Much like they elevate your legs to prevent swelling, they would fold up a washcloth and elevate his testicles…one of the rather uncomfortable side effects that goes along with all this. We did have some laughs over it though!! Good luck and I hope u get good news soon.

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    4 Topic by magazine2 Thu, 02 Aug 2007 22:51:57
    Topic: pulmonary embolus, stent replacement, filter, and a few other problem (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)My husband had a a porta embol, since that time he has had alot or problems, he had gallbladder cancer, removed it, he has tumors on his liver and bile duct. They placed a stent in him since there was no flow from the bile duct. He then went into the er with problems breathing, it showed he had pulmonary embolus, they put a filter in him to catch future ones, but the two left in his lungs will remain, they cannot give him blood thinner since he has a hematoma from the gallgladder surgry and he could bleed internally. Then he started having terrible pain and they found out his stent had moved and they went in and replaced it, ever since his last ercp (to remove and replace the new stent, he has total confusion, his speech is slurred and he has terrible swelling in his legs and testicles. It has been 3 days since he has had any morphine or any pain pills. I think they gave him to much morphine, and they did give him 3 doses of narcan, he still is confused and speech is still slurred, the doctors dont really seem to be doing anything about this, he did have a head ct. and a abdominal one too, but it seems like they dont know why this is occuring or they are just not telling us. Has anything like this ever happened to anyone out there or does anyone have any ideas what is wrong with him. He can hardly stand up now. He came into the hospital sharp , not confused, just in pain and breathing problems.



    OMG, Judi, how scary that had to be. I am pretty strong but don’t know if I could have handled that episode! I am sorry but I cannot comprehend the surgeon not coming in or sending someone in to see your husband. Should he have been exercising after 11 days? I learned the hard way that when a patient is not in his own home, being cared for by Hospice or a Nursing facility one must be very alert. Most of these places do not know anything about CC including pain meds and what these patients have been through. Been there done that. I hope your husband stays good and stable until seen by his Doc, which I am sorry to say I don’t understand. What happened to him I have not heard of before. May I suggest to stop the exercise until he sees his Doc? I am not a Medical person but saw too much when Teddy passed. Wishing you the very best and keep an eagle eye out where he is.


    Thank you Darla, I wrote my post in this morning and now have spent the day in the ER. when they got him up at the nursing home to do some exercise, Fluid and blood came flying out of between his staples from the surgery 11 days ago. The home took him to the ER where he has a bag to collect the fluid. They sent him back tonight after not really doing much except his surgeon wants to see us on Monday morning. his swelling has gone down so I guess he’s just full of fluid. Don’t know much about that either. Your link didn’t work but thanks for trying. Judi


    Not sure if this link will work, but there are some posts on this issue:



    My husband, Karl is in a nursing home recovering from stomach bypass surgery after the tumor has totally blocked off where the food exits the stomach. It is located at the head of the pancreas and where all the liver, stomach, bile ducts, etc meet and is the size of a small fist. Now he has developed huge swelling in his legs and testicles. The doc for the facility has not been to see him yet. Does anyone know what might be the caaue of this or what it might mean? I feel as though I am waiting for the next shoe to drop every day. Judi

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