so sorry I haven’t updated. I have read new posts & support all of you & what you are going through! I sometimes have to not go here as it is hard to hear of so many passings. Also of all the different treatments whether they work of not.
I admire those of you who seem to be able to hang in there so well during chemo & remain active. I have done that the best I can. The latest is I got a port a cath put in to begin folfiri. After Y90, 2 different chemo combos my tumor is now twice the size I began a year ago. Pretty dismal. I finally have better insurance & love the surgeon I saw, Dr. Selby at USC & my oncologist at UCI, Dr. Seery. She is very up on all the latest CC treatments & does lots of research & was also at the conference in San Francisco.
The one thing I was to say to you all is you are right about getting 2nd opinion right away. I was naive & had lousy insurance & it was almost a year that I saw this 2nd surgeon. He told me he wished he had seen me a year ago. My CC has doubled in size & no probably is not able to have resection. He said the only possibility is for the folfiri to shrink. My oncologist is also submitting me for some trials. I recently began a place on caring bridge. If any of you are interested in my journey go to:
My best to you all on the roller coaster we are all on.