Cancer Survival Series

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    Besides being here in this forum for almost the past year and half supporting any advancement and treatment, this year I found myself also battling another rare and lethal cancer called Mast Cell which appeared overnight and took my beloved 10 year old pug (dog) in three months. There is no day that goes by like many of you reading this about what causes cancer? how do I protect my loved ones and my other dog from it? today is the 1st week of the documentary Cancer Survival Series, although the emphasis is on the epidemic in our pets (cats and dogs) this is the best answer I heard from what is chemo (where did it come from around time 13:33), the IBM Computer WATSON and the genetic model time 19:45, and finally what is cancer metabolic damaged or genetic time 21:15 and at the end of the 34 minute video they discuss the pollution that we rarely take into account (small amount over long exposure in our environment, food, water, etc…)…Hope this video gives you some answers. Here is the link:

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by beatriz.
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