port a cath

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    Pat, glad everything turned out well with your port. You will find it comes in quite handy rather than being poked in the arm all the time :) I wish you well on the new chemo, and hope you feel better soon and get some sort of relief from the symptoms you are having.


    All is good with the port a cath. I remembered the doctor telling me the stitches are inside & covered on the outside with a glue typed substance. So I took off the bandages & there was definitely a covering of the glue. Took my shower & all looks good! I will go have it checked Monday & start the chemo Tuesday.

    My tumor is pressing on my diaphragm & causing a really bad cough. It hurts when & cough & I also cough when I take a deep breath. Now my left rib area really hurts when I cough. My tummy has also gotten pretty big. Lets hope my chemo shrinks enough to stop this nasty cough.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by karend.

    Patti –
    I should have jumped in here sooner. Take a piece of saran wrap and tape it down to you skin on the edges. Then pat it try afterwards to make sure no dampness is left afterwards. Also you can buy pre-tapped clear covers….they are called Aqua something. I can’t remember. If your port is accessed you sill have to cover it when showering (when the needle is place). If there is nothing about the surface and you are not accessed then you can ignore it. One the wonderful benefits of the Mediport.



    Hey Patti, I just remembered when T had any open wounds I taped saran wrap over them, worked great.


    When I had my port put in, the nurse said to leave the dressing on for at least the first 24 hours. I actually removed it within those first 24 hours as I had a reaction to the adhesive on the tape they used. I haven’t had any problems with it since then. If they used the Dermabond on the wound, make sure you shower with your back to the water and don’t pick at it. Keep it as dry as possible. Hope this helps!



    Sorry Patti but the only Port I know about is a port a pot! Why not try calling ER?


    I had a port a cath inserted yesterday. Came home with what to do & it said not I could shower in 24 hours. But it said nothing about the dressing. Do I leave it on? How long? of course when you have a procedure on Friday there is no one answering any calls on Saturday. Any suggestions??

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