duration of chemo embo side effects?

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    Ideally, Mom will be over the fatigue and able to fully enjoy the trip and seeing everyone. I thought the extra week would be a good idea, but will have to trust the doctor. Thank you for the information- it does put my mind at ease.


    My mom faired well with the chemo embolizations. She was in pain and slept a lot for 4-5 days right after but then started to bounce back. She was fatigued but was still able to get out and do things.



    Is 2 1/2 weeks enough time to recoup and get over fatigure of chemo embo? We have a family vacation scheduled the end of April with family members flying in to spend a week with my mother in FL. We’ve asked, but the doctor says there is no need to move the treatment up a week. I’ve searched, but have found varying timelines that say she could feel poorly for 4 weeks. Any real experiences would be appreciated.

    Thank you!


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