
Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Disappointed

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    UPMC is a pretty good cancer treatment center. I had my resection at UPMC Passavant by Dr Geller. He and Dr Marsh are excellent. I think they work with Dr Tsung.


    Not to worry, I don’t know of a Doc who didn’t want a patient to get a second opinion. YEA! All sounds good so go got it!!!


    Thank you! I got so frustrated that I called her insurance company myself! The woman I spoke with did have a little bit of encouraging words. She said that if my mom’s PCP will sign off, then she can go to another place for a second opinion and it will be covered. And, if the treatment was going to be different/better and my mom liked it and the PCP signs off on that, then it would also be covered! Now, my parent’s just have to sweet talk the PCP!


    I am thinking that as more people from the area read this they may come up with some answers for you so please hang on and hang in! You are NOT alone.


    Hi Lainy,

    She is in Pittsburgh, PA and being treated at UPMC Cancer Center in Pittsburgh. The Cancer Center actually opened a branch in the town she lives in which is an hour outside of Pittsburgh, so that’s actually where she is being treated. Her oncologist is Rushir J. Choksi and surgeon is Dr. Allen Tsung.


    Hi, where is your Mom being treated and what Hospital is she at?


    I feel really disappointed and I’m trying not to get discouraged right now. I have been looking into second opinions for my mom’s ICC and started with MD Anderson. Naturally, they do not take my mom’s health insurance and said that they don’t take any HMO plans. My parent’s have a very basic health care plan that’s local to their region so I’m afraid that any big hospital that may have experience with this type of cancer will not take her. She lives in Pittsburgh and I know she’s at a good hospital, but, of course, I want to get here somewhere that has some experience with what she has. What am I supposed to do? I’m trying so hard to stay positive. Thank you.

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