15 months post surgery, itching, loss of appetite and fatigue???

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion 15 months post surgery, itching, loss of appetite and fatigue???

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    Cj Marion and me answered this under your first post, don’t know if you found it or not but I just checked and it is there. It is usually quiet on a weekend but I am sure you will get more answers tomorrow.


    My father had surgery at Shands hospital January 9th of 2010. They removed a small malignant tumor (klatskins).
    He has had one complication after another over the Past 15 months. Right after surgery he was sent home with all the “drain ” bags from the incision once he weaned off that, he started chemotherapy and radiation in April, 29 treatments of radiation and 5 weeks of chemotherapy. Then he had about 6 months of improved energy and appetite.
    Then he started having bad acsites build up(fluid) in his abdomen and had to have that drained . He is on about 20 different medications to deal with multiple issues…diuretic, blood pressure, etc.
    They drained about 12 pounds of fluid and he is now 157 pounds from 175 about 3 months ago.
    He is tired all the time, sleeps most of the day, and pretty much drinks all his meals…ensure, soup, etc…
    The oncologist says he is clear of cancer, the gastroenturologist is stumped and no one can tell us why he is itching so bad ???
    His liver enzymes are elevated, but we do not know why???
    Can anyone Share their experiences, similar or not???
    I live in Georgia and he lives in Florida. I do not know how I can help!!!
    Thank you for your time and input!

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